

Cryptocurrencies Recover After November 2022 Crash

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Cryptocurrencies Recover After November 2022 Crash

CHZ Coin is now moving towards the bottom of thechannel,maintaining the middle area of the parallel channel assupport.The interim support at$0.065wasmaintained,but the real bottom is at$0.059.If the CHZ Coin price continues tofall,it may react fromhere.BTC has slowed the decline fornow.Losing the channel support will open the door to$0.053.In a possiblereversal,the target is again the middle area at$0.071.


  • CHZCoinapproachingchannelbottom,interimsupportat$0.065.
  • BTCperformancemoderatingCHZdecline,potentialreversaltargetat$0.071.
  • AVAX,LINKshowingmixedperformance.


CHZCoin’sprice is approaching the lower end of its tradingchannel,holding onto the middle supportarea.The$0.065interim support remainsintact,but the significant bottom level is at$0.059.Should the price continue todrop,it may rebound from thispoint.Bitcoin’srecent performance has moderated thedecline,but losing channel support could lead to a fall towards$0.053.A potential reversal could target the middle area at$0.071.

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Avalanche(AVAX)has faced its challenges but shows potential signs ofrecovery.As markets rise when the DXYweakens,crypto can divergenegatively.AVAX lost its parallel channel support at$31.6but has not yet erased all its gains from lastDecember.A new test at$22.3ispossible,with$24.5holding itcurrently.

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Recovering from$12.6support,LINK Coin is now hovering around the$13mark.Despite downturnperiods,LINK remains a promising cryptocurrency due to its initiatives in the RWAsector,attracting dedicatedinvestors.The next possible test point lies at the parallel channel support of$12.If it dips below thissupport,$10.7will serve as the main supportlevel,potentially forming a long lower wick during thedecline.

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  • CHZcouldreboundfromthe$0.059levelifitcontinuestofall.
  • AVAX’sperformanceisheavilyinfluencedbyitsinflationrateandcommunitystrength.
  • LINK’snexttestpointisat$12support,with$10.7asthemainsupportlevelifitdipsfurther.

Inconclusion,while the cryptocurrency market has shown resilience and recovery since the significant crash in November2022,investors must remain vigilant of periodic declines and key support levels for major coins such asCHZ,AVAX,andLINK.