

Profiling Web3 Gamers Can Help Blockchain Become Mainstream | Opinion

Jul 11, 2024 #仮想通貨
Profiling Web3 Gamers Can Help Blockchain Become Mainstream | Opinionコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Understanding the diverse profiles of web3 gamers is essential for the mainstream adoption of blockchain technology.


  • The gaming community is diverse, with various gamer profiles.
  • Web3 gamers include The Grinder, The Optimizer, The Evangelist, The Explorer, and The Speculator.
  • Each gamer profile contributes uniquely to the gaming ecosystem.
  • Identifying and catering to these profiles can help blockchain gaming go mainstream.

What defines a gamer today? The image of a gamer has evolved significantly since Richard Bartle’s original taxonomy in 1996. Today, gamers range from teenagers immersed in battle royale victories to commuters playing casual games on their phones. The rise of web3 gaming has introduced new gamer profiles that can help blockchain technology become mainstream.

The Grinder is a dedicated player who spends countless hours mastering game mechanics without spending money. Their time commitment and ideological stance against microtransactions make them influential within gaming communities, often guiding others through complex game ecosystems.

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion - 1

The Optimizer seeks to enhance their gaming experience by spending strategically on in-game assets. This player type supports the liquidity and sustainability of game economies by engaging in transactions that optimize their competitive edge.

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion - 2

The Evangelist is passionate about building and nurturing the gaming community. They often take on leadership roles, organizing events and supporting developers. Their enthusiasm helps bridge the gap between traditional and web3 gaming communities, fostering growth and acceptance.

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion - 3

The Explorer brings fresh perspectives to the web3 gaming space. As new entrants, they highlight the user-friendliness and accessibility of games. If Explorers struggle with onboarding or churn quickly, it signals a need for improvement to attract and retain mainstream users.

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion - 4

The Speculator is in it for financial gain. They invest early in promising web3 projects, funding development and attracting attention to high-potential titles. While a community of pure speculators is unsustainable, their early investments can help bring new games to market.

Profiling web3 gamers can help blockchain become mainstream | Opinion - 5

By recognizing and catering to these diverse gamer profiles, web3 gaming can create a more inclusive and engaging environment. This approach will help blockchain gaming gain mainstream acceptance, attracting a wider audience and driving the next wave of innovation in the gaming industry.


  • Diverse Gamer Profiles: Understanding the different profiles of web3 gamers helps developers create more tailored and engaging experiences.
  • Community Building: Engaging the Evangelist and Explorer profiles can significantly boost community growth and retention.
  • Market Growth: Speculators and Optimizers play crucial roles in funding and sustaining the economic aspects of web3 games.
  • Mainstream Adoption: By making web3 games more accessible and user-friendly, the gaming industry can attract a broader audience, accelerating blockchain adoption.