

Layer3 (L3) – Bitget Listing – 30 Jul 2024

Jul 31, 2024 #仮想通貨
Layer3 (L3) – Bitget Listing – 30 Jul 2024コインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Layer3 (L3) will be listed on Bitget, potentially boosting its visibility and trading volume due to increased trader interest and liquidity.


  • Layer3 (L3) listed on Bitget with L3/USDT pair.
  • Trading starts on July 30, 2024, at 10:00 AM (UTC).
  • Potential for increased visibility and trading volume.

Bitget, a major cryptocurrency exchange, will list Layer3 (L3) on July 30, 2024, with a trading pair of L3/USDT. Trading will commence at 10:00 AM (UTC). New listings on established exchanges like Bitget can significantly boost a token’s visibility and liquidity.

The announcement has generated excitement among traders and investors, potentially leading to a surge in trading volume for Layer3. This increased activity is expected to positively impact the price and market presence of L3.

Layer3 Listing

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