

Crypto PACs are Spending Big on US Elections — What It Means for the Industry

Aug 1, 2024 #仮想通貨
Crypto PACs are Spending Big on US Elections — What It Means for the Industryコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

The crypto industry is investing millions in the upcoming US presidential election, signaling its growing influence in politics. This article explores the implications for the industry and the strategies of major

crypto PACs.


  • Crypto PACs are spending millions on the US presidential election.
  • Donald Trump’s keynote speech at Bitcoin 2024 indicates political interest in crypto.
  • Major contributions come from Coinbase, Ripple Labs, and Andreessen Horowitz.
  • The Democratic party, with candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is becoming more crypto-friendly.

The cryptocurrency industry is increasingly flexing its political muscle by investing millions of dollars in the upcoming US presidential election. This significant financial involvement is indicative of the sector’s growing influence and the recognition of its potential impact on future regulations and policies.

Donald Trump’s keynote speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee, on July 27, marked a notable shift. Previously a crypto skeptic, Trump’s participation highlights the industry’s rising prominence in political circles. His speech was attended by various political figures and industry leaders, underlining the convergence between crypto and politics.

The contrast between the number of politically affiliated attendees in Nashville and at other conferences makes me think this issue is being picked up as a political football. — Erik LaPaglia, Chief Strategy Officer at Propy

Major Contributions and Political Influence

The top three donors to crypto super PAC FairShake are Coinbase ($46.5 million), Ripple Labs ($45 million), and Andreessen Horowitz ($44 million). These contributions reflect the substantial financial power the crypto industry wields. In addition, Xapo Bank’s former CEO Wences Casares donated $1 million to American Values 2024, supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a crypto-friendly candidate.

FairShake and Protect Progress are two prominent crypto PACs actively influencing the election. FairShake’s top donors also contribute to Protect Progress, with funds directed towards candidates like Democratic Party candidate Emily Randall. This indicates strategic financial maneuvers to support crypto-friendly politicians.

A Shift in the Democratic Party?

Under President Joe Biden, the Democratic party was perceived as less favorable towards cryptocurrency. However, with Biden stepping down and Vice-President Kamala Harris potentially leading the ticket, there is an opportunity for the party to reset its stance on crypto. PAC activity suggests that the Democratic candidates are receiving more financial support from the crypto industry than their Republican counterparts.

The path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue may be digital and may be decided on emerging technologies such as cryptocurrency and blockchain. — Oliver Link, Founder of OJL Advisory

Balancing Political Influence

While the increasing influence of the crypto industry in politics is a positive sign for its future, industry leaders recommend a cautious, nonpartisan approach. Joey Garcia of Xapo Bank emphasized that long-term accomplishments are more likely if the industry remains neutral.

Our industry is nonpartisan at its heart, and more will be accomplished over the long term if it can remain so.

LaPaglia also echoed similar sentiments, suggesting that the industry’s best interests might be served by avoiding becoming a politically divisive issue.

Important: This article is meant to provide information and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.


  • The significant financial contributions by crypto PACs highlight the industry’s growing political influence.
  • Shifts in political stances, particularly within the Democratic party, could lead to more favorable regulations for the crypto sector.
  • Maintaining a nonpartisan stance is crucial for the long-term success and acceptance of cryptocurrency.
  • The involvement of high-profile politicians like Donald Trump signals the increasing importance of crypto in national politics.