

Libra Creator David Marcus Endorses Trump After Taking a ‘Gradual Political 180’

Aug 3, 2024 #仮想通貨
Libra Creator David Marcus Endorses Trump After Taking a ‘Gradual Political 180’コインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース


  • David Marcus, creator of Libra, endorses former President Donald Trump.
  • Marcus cites a shift in his political views over the years.
  • He highlights the differences in Republican and Democrat approaches to crypto.
  • The endorsement reflects the growing intersection of crypto and politics.

David Marcus, the creator behind the proposed stablecoin Libra (backed by Facebook), recently announced his support for a Republican administration and former President Donald Trump ahead of the upcoming U.S. elections. This endorsement marks a significant political shift for Marcus, who described his change in stance as a “gradual political 180.”

In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday, Marcus detailed his observations and experiences with lawmakers since the announcement of the Libra white paper. He noted that Republicans were more inclined to understand Libra’s goals and risks, contrasting with his initial belief that Democrats were primarily focused on serving the people. Marcus expressed his surprise at discovering that, in his experience, Republicans showed a deeper concern for their constituents, whereas Democrats appeared more interested in government power and control.

Marcus’s endorsement of Trump aligns with his belief that the United States needs a president who is pro-America, pro-Constitution, pro-business, and supportive of Bitcoin and crypto innovation. He emphasized the importance of having a leader who opposes regulatory proliferation, illegal immigration, and unjust wars, among other issues central to Trump’s platform.

Libra, later rebranded as Diem, faced significant regulatory challenges since its inception in 2019. The project experienced prolonged battles with regulators and legislators due to concerns about its ties to Facebook. In January, House Financial Services Committee ranking Democrat Maxine Waters expressed concerns over trademark applications filed by Meta (formerly Facebook) related to digital assets and blockchain.

The intersection of crypto and politics has become increasingly prominent, with major crypto stakeholders sharing their political beliefs and influencing the election landscape. The Republican Party has expressed support for crypto firms and investors, pledging to end the “unlawful and un-American crackdown” on the U.S. crypto industry. In contrast, Vice President Kamala Harris’s team has begun outreach to the crypto industry following President Joe Biden’s announcement that he would not seek reelection and his endorsement of Harris as the Democratic Party’s nominee.

Marcus’s endorsement highlights the growing political divide over cryptocurrency regulation and the future of digital assets in the United States. As the 2024 election approaches, the stance of political candidates on crypto-related issues will likely play a significant role in shaping the industry’s regulatory environment.


  • David Marcus’s endorsement of Trump reflects the increasing importance of cryptocurrency in political discourse and elections.
  • The shift in Marcus’s political views underscores the evolving perspectives within the crypto community regarding regulation and government intervention.
  • The contrasting approaches of Republicans and Democrats to crypto regulation highlight the broader political divide over the future of digital assets in the U.S.
  • The endorsement and political engagement of major crypto stakeholders can significantly influence regulatory policies and the industry’s development.
  • As the 2024 elections draw closer, the positions of political candidates on cryptocurrency issues will become crucial for voters and industry participants alike.