

Coinbase Criticizes CFTC’s Proposed Rule: The Battle Over Prediction Contracts

Aug 12, 2024 #仮想通貨
Coinbase Criticizes CFTC’s Proposed Rule: The Battle Over Prediction Contractsコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Coinbase takes a stand against the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) proposed rule that could ban certain prediction contracts, arguing it could stifle innovation and market growth.


  • Coinbase opposes CFTC’s proposed rule to ban certain event contracts, arguing it lacks sufficient justification.
  • The proposal has sparked controversy, with lawmakers advocating for its implementation to protect democratic processes.
  • Coinbase highlights potential negative impacts on emerging markets and innovation.
  • The debate centers on the definition of “gaming” and its implications for prediction markets.
  • Coinbase urges a more balanced approach to regulation that fosters innovation while safeguarding market integrity.

Coinbase has publicly criticized the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) proposed rulemaking, which aims to ban certain event contracts, including those related to political events. In a detailed response, Coinbase’s Chief Legal Officer, Paul Grewal, expressed concerns that the proposal, if adopted, could unnecessarily stifle innovation in emerging markets.

The proposed rule, introduced by the CFTC in May, seeks to prohibit event contracts that bet on political contests, as well as those involving gaming, war, terrorism, and assassination. Lawmakers, including Senator Elizabeth Warren, have voiced strong support for the rule, arguing that such contracts could undermine the integrity of the democratic process by allowing financial interests to influence political outcomes.

Grewal, however, argued that the CFTC’s proposal is overly broad and could inadvertently capture contracts that do not pose a significant threat to public interest, such as those related to Nobel Prizes or the Oscars. He emphasized that the definition of “gaming” in the proposal is inconsistent with legislative history and could lead to confusion and negative consequences for nascent CFTC-regulated markets.

Moreover, Grewal highlighted the potential benefits of prediction markets, which can provide valuable insights into future events and serve as a tool for risk management. He urged the CFTC to reconsider the proposal and work with academic, industry, and policy stakeholders to develop a more balanced regulatory framework that protects market integrity while fostering innovation.

The debate over the proposal has gained significant attention, with proponents arguing that political betting could erode public trust in the electoral process. They fear that allowing financial bets on elections could incentivize manipulation and insider trading, ultimately damaging the democratic process.

On the other hand, opponents, including Coinbase, believe that the proposal could have unintended consequences that extend beyond political betting. They argue that a more nuanced approach is needed to ensure that legitimate prediction markets can continue to operate without compromising public interest.

As the CFTC considers the feedback from various stakeholders, the future of prediction markets in the U.S. remains uncertain. Coinbase’s strong opposition to the proposal underscores the broader industry concerns about the potential impact of restrictive regulations on innovation and market development.


  • Prediction Markets’ Role: Prediction markets, which allow participants to bet on the outcomes of future events, have grown in popularity as a tool for forecasting and risk management. These markets can provide valuable data on public sentiment and expected outcomes, but they also raise ethical concerns when applied to sensitive areas like politics.
  • Regulatory Balance: The challenge for regulators like the CFTC is to strike a balance between protecting the integrity of markets and allowing innovation to flourish. Overly restrictive regulations could stifle emerging industries, while lax oversight could lead to abuse and loss of public trust.
  • Industry Impact: The outcome of this regulatory debate could have far-reaching implications for the future of prediction markets and similar emerging industries. Companies like Coinbase are advocating for a regulatory approach that fosters innovation while safeguarding key democratic principles.