

Hong Kong’s Crypto ETF Market: Overcoming Systemic Challenges

Aug 12, 2024 #仮想通貨
Hong Kong’s Crypto ETF Market: Overcoming Systemic Challengesコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Hong Kong’s cryptocurrency spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) face significant systemic challenges, primarily due to the market’s preference for unlisted products. This article explores these obstacles and the potential for growth in Hong Kong’s crypto ETF market.


  • Hong Kong’s market structure favors unlisted financial products over ETFs, posing a challenge for crypto ETFs.
  • The market’s bias against cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum affects the adoption of crypto ETFs.
  • Limited participation from Chinese brokers and western financial institutions hampers market growth.
  • Despite challenges, Hong Kong’s crypto ETFs have amassed $310 million in net asset value.
  • Overcoming these systemic issues is crucial for the future growth of Hong Kong’s crypto ETF market.

Hong Kong’s cryptocurrency spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are grappling with systemic challenges that have hindered their growth despite the global boom in digital assets. During a panel discussion at the Foresight 2024 conference, Gary Tiu, Executive Director and Head of Regulatory Affairs at Hong Kong’s OSL exchange, shed light on the factors impeding the adoption of crypto ETFs in the region.

One of the primary obstacles is the market’s preference for unlisted financial products. In Hong Kong, a complex network of intermediaries—including brokers, banks, and private institutions—makes substantial profits from distributing unlisted products. This system creates little incentive for equity brokers to promote ETFs, as the commission earned from ETFs is significantly lower than that from structured products. As a result, ETFs, including those tied to cryptocurrencies, struggle to gain traction in this environment.

Tiu also highlighted a prevailing negative bias against cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, both among regulators and financial institutions. This bias has further complicated the adoption of crypto ETFs, as these products are often viewed with skepticism and caution. Despite the increasing global acceptance of cryptocurrencies, Hong Kong’s market remains resistant to fully embracing them, particularly through regulated financial instruments like ETFs.

Adding to the complexity is the limited participation from key market players. Chinese brokers and dealers, who form a significant part of the financial landscape in Hong Kong, either choose not to engage with crypto ETFs or are not permitted to do so. Meanwhile, western financial institutions, which have easier access to U.S. ETFs, show little interest in Hong Kong’s offerings. This leaves only a small pool of local participants, which is insufficient to drive significant growth in the market.

Despite these challenges, Hong Kong’s crypto ETFs have managed to accumulate a net asset value of approximately $310 million since April 2024, with a daily trading volume of around $2.8 million. However, these numbers pale in comparison to the U.S. crypto ETF market, which benefits from more favorable regulatory conditions and broader market participation.

To overcome these systemic obstacles, Hong Kong’s financial regulators and market participants will need to work together to create a more supportive environment for crypto ETFs. This could involve rethinking the incentive structures for intermediaries, addressing the regulatory biases against cryptocurrencies, and encouraging greater participation from both local and international market players.

As the global interest in digital assets continues to grow, the success of Hong Kong’s crypto ETF market will depend on its ability to adapt and overcome these challenges. If successful, Hong

Kong could position itself as a leading hub for cryptocurrency ETFs in Asia, tapping into the region’s burgeoning interest in digital assets.

One potential avenue for growth could be the introduction of new regulations that specifically support the development of crypto ETFs. This could include incentives for brokers to promote these products or the creation of new structures that make crypto ETFs more attractive to both retail and institutional investors. Additionally, fostering closer collaboration between Hong Kong’s financial institutions and global players could help integrate the local market with the broader international crypto ecosystem.

Another critical factor will be the education and awareness of the potential benefits of crypto ETFs. By improving the understanding of these products among both investors and intermediaries, the market could see increased demand and, consequently, higher adoption rates. This educational push could be supported by industry stakeholders, including exchanges like OSL, which are well-positioned to lead the conversation on the value proposition of crypto ETFs.

Hong Kong’s crypto ETF market is still in its early stages, but the potential for growth is significant. By addressing the systemic challenges outlined by experts like Gary Tiu and leveraging the city’s strengths as a financial hub, Hong Kong could become a key player in the global crypto ETF market. However, this will require a concerted effort from regulators, financial institutions, and market participants to create an environment that supports innovation and growth.


  • Systemic Challenges in Hong Kong’s ETF Market: The preference for unlisted financial products in Hong Kong creates significant barriers for the adoption of ETFs, including those related to cryptocurrencies. The market’s structure, which heavily favors intermediaries profiting from unlisted products, needs to be reformed to encourage ETF growth.
  • Regulatory and Market Bias: A negative bias against cryptocurrencies among Hong Kong’s regulators and financial institutions further complicates the adoption of crypto ETFs. Overcoming this bias will be crucial for the market’s development, requiring changes in both regulatory attitudes and market practices.
  • Potential Growth Strategies: To foster the growth of crypto ETFs in Hong Kong, stakeholders could consider new regulatory frameworks, better incentive structures for brokers, and enhanced education initiatives. By addressing these challenges, Hong Kong could unlock significant potential in its crypto ETF market, positioning itself as a leader in the region.