

DEF’s Patent Purchase: A Strategic Move to Protect DeFi from Lawsuits

Aug 14, 2024 #仮想通貨
DEF’s Patent Purchase: A Strategic Move to Protect DeFi from Lawsuitsコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

The DeFi Education Fund (DEF) has strategically purchased a patent from True Return Systems (TRS) to stop ongoing lawsuits against MakerDAO and Compound Protocol. This move highlights the growing importance of intellectual property in the DeFi space and the need to protect decentralized projects from legal threats.


  • DEF purchased a critical patent to prevent lawsuits against MakerDAO and Compound Protocol.
  • The patent acquisition aims to protect DeFi projects from being targeted by patent trolls.
  • DEF’s action reflects the importance of intellectual property management in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.
  • The purchase halts legal proceedings against major DeFi platforms, ensuring continued innovation and development.

In a strategic move to safeguard decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, the DeFi Education Fund (DEF) has purchased a patent from True Return Systems (TRS). This patent was at the center of ongoing lawsuits against MakerDAO and Compound Protocol, two of the most prominent DeFi platforms. By acquiring the patent, DEF aims to stop these lawsuits in their

tracks and protect the DeFi ecosystem from future legal challenges.

The patent in question, owned by True Return Systems (TRS), was being used as a basis for legal action against MakerDAO and Compound Protocol, accusing them of infringing on the patented technology related to data storage in decentralized systems. These lawsuits posed a significant threat to the operations and development of these platforms, which are integral to the DeFi space.

Amanda Tuminelli, DEF’s chief legal officer, emphasized the importance of this acquisition, stating, “As a result of our settlement with TRS, TRS will dismiss the legal proceedings against MakerDAO and Compound Protocol. This ensures that these critical DeFi platforms can continue to operate without the looming threat of costly litigation.”

The move by DEF to purchase the patent highlights a growing recognition of the role that intellectual property (IP) management plays in the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape. As decentralized platforms continue to innovate and disrupt traditional financial systems, they increasingly find themselves vulnerable to legal actions from entities known as “patent trolls”—companies that acquire patents not to innovate, but to profit from litigation.

Tuminelli also pointed out that TRS’s strategy was to target defendants who might struggle to defend themselves in court, hoping to secure a default judgment that could be enforced against token holders. DEF’s intervention not only halts these legal actions but also sets a precedent for how the DeFi community can defend itself against similar threats in the future.

By acquiring the patent and effectively nullifying the threat of litigation, DEF is helping to ensure that innovation in the DeFi space can continue unhindered. This is crucial for maintaining the momentum of decentralized projects, which rely on open-source development and the freedom to innovate without fear of legal retribution.

The patent acquisition by DEF is a significant step in protecting the DeFi ecosystem from the potential chilling effects of intellectual property disputes. As the DeFi sector continues to grow, it is likely that we will see more efforts to secure intellectual property rights in a way that supports, rather than stifles, innovation.


  • The Growing Importance of Intellectual Property in DeFi: As DeFi continues to mature, the issue of intellectual property (IP) is becoming increasingly important. This sector thrives on open-source innovation, but as it grows, it also attracts attention from entities looking to exploit IP laws for profit. DEF’s proactive approach in acquiring the TRS patent is a strategic move to protect DeFi projects from such threats, ensuring that these platforms can continue to innovate without fear of legal challenges.
  • Patent Trolls in the Tech Industry: Patent trolls are entities that hold patents not to develop new products or technologies, but to sue others who allegedly infringe on these patents. This practice is particularly disruptive in industries like tech and DeFi, where innovation is rapid, and the costs of litigation can be prohibitive. DEF’s action against TRS is a critical example of how the DeFi community can defend itself against these predatory practices.
  • The Role of DEF in DeFi Protection: The DeFi Education Fund (DEF) has positioned itself as a key player in protecting the decentralized finance sector from external threats, including legal challenges. By purchasing the TRS patent, DEF has not only halted specific lawsuits but has also sent a strong message about the importance of protecting innovation in DeFi. This move could inspire similar actions in the future, as the DeFi community continues to navigate the complex legal landscape that comes with growth and mainstream adoption.