

WebX 2024 in Japan: A Two-Day Gathering of Companies Venturing into Web3, Led by the Anime Industry

Aug 14, 2024 #仮想通貨
WebX 2024 in Japan: A Two-Day Gathering of Companies Venturing into Web3, Led by the Anime Industryコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

WebX 2024 is a global Web3 conference held in Tokyo, Japan, organized by CoinPost, Japan’s leading cryptocurrency and Web3 media outlet. The event will feature over 180 companies, with a strong focus on the intersection of Web3 technologies and Japan’s renowned anime and gaming industries.


  • WebX 2024 will host over 180 companies and 250 speakers, focusing on Web3’s industrial expansion.
  • Major Japanese anime and gaming companies like Capcom and Square Enix will participate, bridging traditional entertainment with Web3.
  • The event aims to accelerate Web3 adoption in Japan through collaboration between the government, corporations, and global innovators.
  • WebX 2024 is positioned as Asia’s largest Web3 conference, offering exclusive networking and business opportunities.

WebX 2024, scheduled for August 28-29, 2024, in Tokyo, is set to be Asia’s largest and most influential Web3 conference. Organized by CoinPost, Japan’s leading cryptocurrency and Web3 media outlet, the event will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, including government representatives, global corporations, and industry innovators. The focus of WebX 2024 is to explore the industrial expansion of Web3 technologies, with a particular emphasis on the integration of these technologies within Japan’s iconic anime and gaming industries.

The conference will feature approximately 180 exhibitors and 250 speakers, half of whom are from international organizations. This diverse lineup reflects the global interest in Japan’s role as a leader in the adoption and implementation of Web3 technologies. Among the exhibitors are major Japanese companies such as Capcom, Square Enix, and Toho, all of which are recognized for their contributions to anime and gaming. These companies are expected to showcase how they are incorporating Web3 technologies into their business models, potentially revolutionizing the way content is created, distributed, and monetized.

WebX 2024 will also serve as a platform for discussions on the future of Web3 adoption in Japan. The Japanese government, which has been actively exploring the potential of blockchain and Web3 technologies, will play a significant role in the conference. Key figures, including Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Governor Yuriko Koike, will provide insights into the country’s regulatory landscape and the government’s vision for integrating Web3 into the broader economy.

One of the highlights of WebX 2024 is the participation of globally renowned DJ Steve Aoki, who will kick off the event with an opening party. This underscores the conference’s commitment to blending technology with culture, providing attendees with a unique experience that combines learning with entertainment. The event will also include over 100 associated side events, offering attendees additional opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Moreover, WebX 2024 will feature exclusive on-site speaker sessions, with recorded sessions available for ticket holders. Business ticket holders will have access to networking areas and events, facilitating connections between global Web3 innovators and Japanese companies. This is particularly important for companies looking to expand their operations in Japan or explore partnerships with Japanese firms.

The conference is part of a broader series of events under the “Asia Tour and Tokyo Blockchain Week,” which includes DAO Tokyo 2024, Coinfest Asia 2024, and Korea Blockchain Week 2024. These events collectively highlight Asia’s growing influence in the global Web3 space and offer participants a comprehensive understanding of the region’s emerging trends and opportunities.


  • Web3’s Industrial Expansion in Japan: WebX 2024 is poised to be a pivotal event for the Web3 industry, particularly in Japan, where there is a strong intersection between technology and culture. The involvement of major anime and gaming companies in the conference signals a significant shift in how these industries may evolve with the adoption of Web3 technologies. By integrating blockchain, NFTs, and decentralized platforms, these companies could redefine content ownership, distribution, and fan engagement, setting new standards for the global entertainment industry.

  • Government and Corporate Collaboration: The active participation of the Japanese government alongside major corporations in WebX 2024 highlights the collaborative approach Japan is taking towards Web3 adoption. This partnership between public and private sectors is crucial for creating a supportive environment for innovation and ensuring that Japan remains competitive in the global technology landscape. The insights shared by government leaders at the conference will likely influence regulatory developments and encourage more companies to explore Web3 technologies.

  • Asia’s Leadership in Web3: WebX 2024, as part of the broader “Asia Tour and Tokyo Blockchain Week,” reinforces Asia’s growing role in shaping the future of Web3. The region is rapidly becoming a hub for innovation in blockchain and decentralized technologies, with Japan, South Korea, and other countries leading the charge. The conference will provide valuable insights into the trends and challenges facing the Web3 industry in Asia, offering participants a chance to engage with key players and explore new business opportunities.