

Top 3 Mid-Cap Altcoins to Explode in 2024

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Top 3 Mid-Cap Altcoins to Explode in 2024

An analysis of threemid-capaltcoins—Sui(SUI),Akash(AKT),and Astar(ASTR)—poisedfor significant growth in2024,highlighting their recent performance and potential forinvestors.


  • Marketsentimenthascausedtemporarypricedeclinesinmanymid-capaltcoins.
  • Sui(SUI)showsstrongcommunityloyaltyandtechnologicaladvancements.
  • Akash(AKT)benefitsfromincreasingdemandforitsGPUmarketplace.
  • Astar(ASTR)offerssuperiorliquidityandcompatibilitywithEthereum.

The cryptocurrency market has seen someturbulence,but opportunities for significant growthremain,particularly in themid-capaltcoinsector.The phrase“arising tide lifts allboats”applies,but the opposite is alsotrue.When market sentiment for altcoins isnegative,many promising projects see pricedeclines,often without any negative changes in theirfundamentals.Here,we explore threemid-capaltcoins—Sui(SUI),Akash(AKT),and Astar(ASTR)—thathave strong potential for explosive growth in2024.


Sui has had a positiveyear,with a return on investment(ROI)of12%,outperforming many otheraltcoins.However,like allaltcoins,it has faced challenges in recentmonths,with a nearly60%decline over the last90days and19%in the last30days.Despitethis,Sui’sfundamentals remainstrong.

Sui Performance Chart

Sui boasts a dedicatedcommunity,with a staking percentage higher than that ofCardano.Recentdevelopments,such as new subnames in the Sui NameService,enhance its digital identity protectioncapabilities.The project has also successfully managed selling pressure from a major token unlock earlier thisyear.

Sui Name Service


AkashNetwork,known for its decentralized cloud computingservices,has seen increased demand for its GPUmarketplace,despite a50%price drop in recentmonths.This presents a buying opportunity forinvestors.

Akash Network

As demand for decentralized computinggrows,Akash’sinnovative solutions continue to attractattention.Thenetwork’sability to providecost-effective,scalable cloud services positions it well for futuregrowth.


Astar leveragesPolygon’szkEVM to maintain compliance and compatibility withEthereum,enhancing its liquidity and tradingefficiency.Over the pastyear,Astar has performedwell,with a47%increase despite broader marketchallenges.

Astar Network

Astar’sconnection toPolygon’sAggregator Layer allows its dApps to access more Ethereumliquidity,providing better pricing for trading and DeFiapplications.This strategic advantage makes Astar a standout choice amongmid-capaltcoins.


WhileSui,Akash,and Astar each hold potential for significantgains,the broader market sentiment and individual project advancements will play critical roles in theirperformance.Investors should consider thesemid-capaltcoins as part of a diversifiedportfolio,keeping an eye on market trends and technologicaldevelopments.