

UNDP Embrace DFINITY: A New Era for MSME Financial Inclusion

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
UNDP Embrace DFINITY: A New Era for MSME Financial Inclusionコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

The UNDP partners with DFINITY to enhance digital trust for MSMEs through the Universal Trusted Credentials(UTC)initiative,aiming to revolutionize MSME financing andtrade.


  • UNDPpartnerswithDFINITYtoimprovedigitaltrustforMSMEs.
  • TheUTCinitiativeaimstoenhancefinancialinclusionandtrade.
  • TheprojectwillinitiallybetrialedinCambodiabeforeexpandingtotencountries.
  • TheinitiativesupportstheSustainableDevelopmentGoals(SDGs).
  • DFINITYwilldevelopandtestaprototypeforarobustdatainfrastructure.

The UNDP has partnered with the DFINITY Foundation to enhance digital trust and financial inclusion forMicro,Small,and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs)through the Universal Trusted Credentials(UTC)initiative.This initiative aims to revolutionize MSME financing and trade by using secure digitalcredentials.

The project will not only improve domestic finance but also open trade funding across borders by using the UTC in differentnations,resulting in more trust in the dataprovided.The UTC solution is designed to inspire the acceptance of digitaltechnologies,includingblockchain-basedsolutions,creating a dynamic and sustainable financial environment that supportsMSMEs.

Renowned for its expertise in distributed computing platforms and digital identificationsolutions,the DFINITY Foundation will play a crucial role in thisproject.They will create and test a prototype for a robust data infrastructure for the UTC trial inCambodia.


This project is part of a larger UNDP effort to use creativity and technology to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)and improve the quality of life for underprivilegedgroups.MarcosNeto,UN AssistantSecretary-Generaland Director ofUNDP’sBureau for Policy and ProgrammeSupport,stated:

“Byharnessingcutting-edgetechnology,we can create a more secure and accessible digital credentialing system that will drive sustainable development and economicgrowth.”


The partnership with DFINITY marks a pivotal moment in advancing digital inclusion and economic empowerment for MSMEs inCambodia.The great degree of security and transparency provided by this infrastructure will be crucial for the success of the UTCproject.The initiative intends to expand beyondCambodia,eventually encompassing ten countries and supporting MSMEsworldwide.


  • DigitalTrustandInclusion:ThepartnershipbetweenUNDPandDFINITYfocusesonenhancingdigitaltrustandfinancialinclusionforMSMEs,whicharecriticalforeconomicdevelopment.
  • GlobalExpansion:TheUTCinitiative’splannedexpansiontotencountrieshighlightsitspotentialtoimpactMSMEsonaglobalscale.
  • SustainableDevelopmentGoals:ThisprojectalignswiththeSDGs,emphasizingtheroleofinnovativetechnologiesinachievingsustainabledevelopmentandimprovinglives.
  • TechnologicalExpertise:DFINITY’sroleindevelopingandtestingthedatainfrastructureunderscorestheimportanceoftechnicalexpertiseinimplementingsuccessfuldigitalsolutions.