

Sui NFTs Updates

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Sui NFTs Updatesコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Sui NFTs offer unique advantages over NFTs on otherchains,such asflexibility,composability,and dynamicfeatures.This article explores the distinctive properties and projects within the Sui NFTecosystem.


  • SuiNFTsaremoreflexibleandcomposablecomparedtootherchains.
  • SuiNFTsallowforlending,storing,anduseinothercontracts.
  • Twotypesofobjects:ownedandshared,providediversefunctionalities.
  • SuiKiosksoffercustomizablerulesandsecurityfeatures.
  • SuiNFTs’dynamicnatureallowsforevolvingfeaturesovertime.

Sui NFTs stand out in the crowded NFT space due to their uniqueproperties,offering advantages over NFTs on popular chains like Ethereum andSolana.These benefits includeflexibility,composability,and dynamic features that enhance user control andutility.

Sui NFTs


Sui NFTs differ from those on other chains in that they offer more control to theowner.On otherchains,NFTs are typically represented by a token ID mapped to anaddress,essentially a ledger balance within the NFTcontract.Incontrast,Sui NFTs can belent,stored,or used in othercontracts,providing greaterflexibility.

Validators on other chains must ensure transactions do notconflict,leading to bottlenecks and increasedlatency.Incontrast,Sui’sapproach allows for smoother transactions and higherthroughput.Smart contracts on Sui create and storeobjects,which can be ephemeral orpersistent.

⏳ Introducing ephemeral shared objects on Sui, providing builders the option to create shared objects that delete themselves, earning storage rebates and allowing complex use cases.



Sui NFTs can be categorized into twotypes:


Sui Kiosks provide creators with the ability to add royalties and set transfer policies that cannot be altered byothers.This ensures creators retain control over theirNFTs.Forinstance,an NFT marketplace cannot change the setroyalties,ensuring compliance with thecreator’srules.Users can set otherrules,such aspricing,within the bounds of the transferpolicy.

Sui Kiosks

This flexibility allows for variousbehaviors,including:
– Multipleroyaltypolicies.
– Minimumormaximumtradingthresholds.
– Exclusivemarketplacesales.
– Time-boundtradingwindows.


Sui Kiosks enhance security by ensuring compliance with setrules,providing a robust solution for managing and tradingNFTs.This system supports the creation of dynamic NFTs that can evolve over time with added features orchanges.



Sui NFTs offer a diverse and dynamic approach compared to NFTs on otherchains,thanks to the unique way Sui handlesobjects.The Sui Kiosk adds further flexibility andsecurity,ensuring creators and users can set and comply with specificrules,enhancing the overall NFTecosystem.

Sui Conclusion


  • EnhancedFlexibility:SuiNFTsprovidegreaterflexibilityandcontrol,allowingformoresophisticatedusecasesandinteractionscomparedtotraditionalNFTs.
  • DynamicFeatures:TheabilitytoaddandmodifyfeaturesovertimemakesSuiNFTsdynamicandadaptabletoevolvinguserneeds.
  • CreatorControl:SuiKiosksensurethatcreatorsmaintaincontrolovertheirNFTs,preventingunauthorizedchangesandensuringcompliancewithsetrules.
  • SecurityandCompliance:EnhancedsecurityfeaturesandcompliancewithtransferpoliciesmakeSuiNFTsareliableandsecureoptionforcreatorsandusersalike.