

Santiment Reveals Top Three Altcoins to Buy in the Midterm

Jul 4, 2024 #仮想通貨
Santiment Reveals Top Three Altcoins to Buy in the Midtermコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Santiment identifies the top three altcoins to buy based onmid-termaverage returns and Market Value to Realized Value(MVRV)indicator.


  • Mostaltcoinholdersarecurrentlyunderwater.
  • SantimentusestheMVRVindicatortoidentifybullishandbearishaltcoins.
  • BasicAttention(BAT),Chromia(CHR),andHighstreet(HIGH)presentbuyingopportunities.

The altcoin market has been caught in a bearish trendrecently,with many holders experiencing significantlosses.AsBitcoin’sprice retests the lower border of a horizontal channel that began four monthsago,the fear of further crypto capitulationpersists.Amid thisuncertainty,Santiment has identified the top three altcoins to buy based onmid-termaverage returns and the Market Value to Realized Value(MVRV)indicator.


According toSantiment,most altcoin holders are currentlyunderwater,showing significantlosses.However,the MVRV indicator highlights potential buying opportunities for certainaltcoins:

1.BasicAttention Token(BAT)
– BAT is in the historically good buy zone according to the MVRV midterm opportunity and danger zonedivergence.
– Thesmall-capaltcoin has a fully diluted valuation of about$283million and a daily average traded volume of about$43million.
– Trading around$0.189,BAT is down23%in the past four weeks but presents a potential buyingopportunity.


– Chromia(CHR)is another altcoin in the historically good buyzone,according to the MVRVindicator.
– It is anopen-sourcepublic blockchain conceived by the Swedish company ChromawayAB.
– With a fully diluted valuation of about$195million and a daily average traded volume of around$41million,CHR has pumped over7%in the past sevendays.
– Currently trading at approximately$0.2377,CHR is still down over83%from itsall-timehigh,indicating significant room forgrowth.

– Highstreet(HIGH)is highlighted as presenting the best buy opportunity recently by the MVRVindicator.
– It is asmall-capaltcoin with a fully diluted valuation of around$178million.
– The altcoin has shown promising potential forgrowth,despite the overall bearish marketconditions.


  • Santiment’sMVRVindicatorisavaluabletoolforidentifyingpotentialbuyingopportunitiesinthealtcoinmarket.
  • BasicAttentionToken(BAT),Chromia(CHR),andHighstreet(HIGH)arepositionedasattractiveinvestmentsbasedontheircurrentvaluationandhistoricalperformance.
  • Despitethecurrentbearishtrend,thesealtcoinspresentsignificantgrowthpotentialformid-terminvestors.


  • TheMVRVindicatormeasuresthemarketvalueofanassetrelativetoitsrealizedvalue,providinginsightsintowhethertheassetisovervaluedorundervalued.
  • Identifyingundervaluedaltcoinsduringbearishmarketconditionscanoffersubstantialreturnswhenthemarketrecovers.
  • Investorsshouldconsiderthepotentialrisksandconductthoroughresearchbeforemakinginvestmentdecisions,especiallyinavolatilemarketlikecryptocurrency.