

Big Tech Produced More Carbon Since 2019 Than All Bitcoin Mining Ever

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Big Tech Produced More Carbon Since 2019 Than All Bitcoin Mining Everコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

BigTech’scarbon emissions surpass those of Bitcoinmining,highlighting the significant environmental impact of technologygiants.


  • BigTech’scarbonemissionssince2019exceedallBitcoinminingemissionssince2014.
  • GenerativeAIproductsandservicescontributesignificantlytoBigTech’scarbonfootprint.
  • Bitcoinminingisoftencriticizedforitsenvironmentalimpact,butBigTech’sfootprintismuchlarger.

BigTech’scarbon footprint continues to balloon as generative artificial intelligence products and servicesproliferate,with Amazon alone producing more carbon dioxide emissions per year than all the Bitcoin mining in theworld.

According to thedata,Big Tech has released more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere since2019—when most of the largestU.S.tech firms began disclosing their emissions—than Bitcoin has since2014.


It’svirtually impossible to calculate the exact amount of carbon dioxide produced by Bitcoin operations throughout theglobe.To the best of ourknowledge,no research team has access to power grid usage and cost data from all the countries involved in Bitcoinmining.

That beingsaid,researchers have shown that cost estimates compared to actual mining activity can lead to feasibleestimates.

Were Bitcoin acountry,the researchersconcluded,its energy use would be greater than that ofPakistan,a nation with220millioncitizens.

Critics have used these numbers to argue thatBitcoin’svalue prospectisn’thigh enough to offset the potential damage to our climate through carbonemissions.But what if we compare these numbers against companies instead ofcountries?


While a direct comparison between acompany’sreported carbon emissions andBitcoin’sestimated emissions is hardlyscientific,we can still glean that BigTech’sfootprint is much greater than that ofBitcoin’s.

Assuming data centers forAI,Bitcoin,and cloud computing are generally equivalent in their power demands and carbonemissions,the data indicates that Big Tech companies in theU.S.have emitted more carbon emissions since2019than all global Bitcoin mining operations have during thecryptocurrency’sentireexistence.


  • BigTech’scarbonemissionssignificantlyexceedthoseofBitcoinmining,highlightingalargerenvironmentalimpact.
  • TheproliferationofgenerativeAIproductsandservicescontributesheavilytoBigTech’scarbonfootprint.
  • DespitecriticismsofBitcoin’senvironmentalimpact,thecomparisonrevealsthattechnologygiantshaveamoresubstantialcarbonfootprint.
  • Understandingtheseimpactsiscrucialforevaluatingtheoverallenvironmentalcostsoftechnologicaladvancements.