

Base Dawgz Launches Staking As ICO Surpasses $2.3 Million For New Multichain Meme Coin

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Base Dawgz Launches Staking As ICO Surpasses .3 Million For New Multichain Meme Coin

BaseDawgz,a new multichain meme coin on Ethereum Layer2,introduces staking and surpasses$2.3million in itsICO.


  • BaseDawgzallocates1.69billion$DAWGZtokenstostakingrewards.
  • Thepresalepricehasincreased,urginginvestorstoactquickly.
  • TheprojectaimstobealeadingmemecoinontheBasechain.

BaseDawgz,a new multichain meme coin on Ethereum Layer2,has allocated a total of1.69billion$DAWGZtokens to stakingrewards—equivalentto20%of its8.4billion total tokensupply.In a bullish development for$DAWGZ,investors can look forward to hourly distributions totaling192,000$DAWGZtokens,taking place over the course of oneyear.This schedule allows them to continuously compound theirholdings,maximizing their potential gains with every passinghour.

The presale price has moved up to$0.00581from$0.00479per$DAWGZ,but thathasn’tstopped Base Dawgz from easily blowing through each successive price stagetarget.With another price jump happening in less than sixdays,investors should grab the opportunity now to join the presale and stake their$DAWGZfor a highAPY.

Base Dawgz Staking


BaseDawgz’sstaking feature arrives hot on the heels of its sizzlingpresale,now with a raise totaling over$2.3million and stillclimbing.Pepe($PEPE),which runs on the Ethereumblockchain,might beBrett’sbestfriend,butlet’sfaceit—Brettneeds abillion-dollarmarket cap meme coin buddy onBase.BaseDawgz,with its extremesports-themedbase-jumpingmultichain Shiba Inumascot,could be the perfectcompanion.

The potential for such a milestone is withinreach,especially as Base rapidly displaces Solana as the leading meme coinlaunchpad.Infact,the Total Value Locked(TVL)of Base has surged to$1.53billion,closing in onSolana’s$4.6billion.But before claiming the top spot on the Base chain meme coinlist,Base Dawgz sets its sights on reaching$2.5million in presale fundsnext—atarget well within reach byweek’send.



Now with the introduction of the stakingmechanism,early investors are gaining more value from their tokenholdings.This development is clearly bullish for$DAWGZ,as it provides stronger incentives to hold onto the tokens for passiveincome,which bolsters investor confidence in thetoken’sfuture.Moreover,with more tokenslocked,it sets a positive trajectory forlong-termprice appreciation of$DAWGZ.


For those who have purchased and staked theirtokens,distribution will begin24hours after staking goeslive.This ensures all investors have a fair shot at locking in their tokens and receiving rewards like everyoneelse.Retroactive rewards for presale buyers will be comingsoon.

Aside fromstaking,investors can also earn additional$DAWGZtokens through its social rewardsprogram.This program allows community members to earn points by sharing memes and posts about Base Dawgz on their social mediaaccounts.Once the presaleconcludes,these points can be exchanged for$DAWGZtokens.

The winning combo is why YouTuber ClayBro believes it could mint the next wave of meme coinmillionaires.


Twenty percent of the total token supply is set aside for thepresale,with the team allocating1.69billion$DAWGZfor early contributors topurchase.Base Dawgz operates across multiplechains,allowing buyers to select their preferred network fromBase,Ethereum,Solana,Avalanche,orBSC.Once your network ischosen,you can purchase tokens using Base(ETH,USDC),ETH(ETH/USDT),SOL,BSC(BNB/USDT),orAVAX.

Stay in the loop with the latest news and developments by joining BaseDawgz’scommunity onXandTelegram.Grab your$DAWGZtokensnow,stake for maximum returns beforeit’sthe next topmeme,cozying up with Brett on Base like new bestbuds!


  • BaseDawgzintroducesstakingwith1.69billion$DAWGZtokensallocatedtorewards,offeringinvestorscontinuouscompoundinggains.
  • Thepresalehasraisedover$2.3million,withatargetof$2.5millioninsight,showcasingstronginvestorinterest.
  • Theproject’smultichainapproachandrobustcommunityengagementstrategiespositionitforsignificantgrowthinthememecoinmarket.
  • Earlyinvestorsbenefitfrombothstakingrewardsandsocialrewards,enhancingthetoken’svaluepropositionandinvestorconfidence.