

No Floki Token on Solana, Shiba Inu Rival Issues Key Alert

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
No Floki Token on Solana, Shiba Inu Rival Issues Key Alertコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Floki Inu issues a key alert clarifying that itstoken,FLOKI,is only tradeable on the Binance Smart Chain(BNB)and Ethereum(ETH)blockchains,warning against scams on other networks likeSolana.


  • FlokiInuclarifiesthatFLOKIisonlytradeableonBNBandETHblockchains.
  • Theteamprovidescorrectcontractaddressestopreventscams.
  • FlokiwarnsagainstfalseclaimsofFLOKItokensonotherblockchainslikeSolana.
  • Thealertaimstoprotectinvestorsfrompotentialscamsandmisinformation.

FlokiInu,a prominent rival to ShibaInu,has issued a crucial alert to itscommunity,emphasizing that itstoken,FLOKI,is only tradeable on the Binance Smart Chain(BNB)and Ethereum(ETH)blockchains.This proactive measure aims to safeguard investors from potential scams and misinformation about FLOKI tokens on othernetworks,such asSolana.

ScamAlert and ContractAddresses

The Floki team has highlighted that any claims of FLOKI tokens existing on blockchains other than BNB and ETH are entirely false and likely attempts to deceive thecommunity.To ensure the safety of cryptoparticipants,Floki has provided the correct contract addresses for trading on BNB andETH:



Floki’sproactive approach aims to safeguard investors from falling prey to suchscams.The team urges the community to exercise due diligence andcross-checkany information with official Floki channels before making anytransactions.This alert serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance in the cryptocurrencyspace,where scams can often appearlegitimate.

MarketImpact and RecentTrends

The cryptocurrency market has recently experienced a significantsell-off,leading to a downturn in the prices of many digitalassets.Floki has not been immune to thistrend,recording declines amid the marketturbulence.The current marketsell-offhas been attributed to various factors such as macroeconomicuncertainty,includingprofit-takingby retail investors and a lack of positivecatalysts.With major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum also facingdeclines,the impact on meme coins like Floki has beenpronounced.


  • FlokiInu’swarninghighlightstheimportanceofverifyinginformationfromofficialsourcestoavoidscamsinthecryptocurrencyspace.
  • ThealertemphasizesthatFLOKIisonlytradeableonBNBandETHblockchains,providingcorrectcontractaddressestoensuresafetransactions.
  • Investorsshouldremainvigilantandexerciseduediligence,especiallyduringperiodsofmarketvolatilityanddownturns.
  • Therecentmarketsell-offhasaffectedmanydigitalassets,includingFloki,duetomacroeconomicuncertaintyandprofit-takingbyretailinvestors.
  • Stayinginformedandcautiouscanhelpprotectinvestorsfrompotentiallossesandscamsintheever-evolvingcryptomarket.