

Bitcoin’s Rally Hinges on Stablecoin Liquidity and U.S. Monetary Policy

Jul 7, 2024 #仮想通貨
Bitcoin’s Rally Hinges on Stablecoin Liquidity and U.S. Monetary Policyコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Bitcoin’sperformance is closely tied to stablecoin liquidity andU.S.monetarypolicy,with recent interest rate hikes impacting the availability of stablecoins and marketliquidity.


  • Bitcoin’ssidewaystradinglinkedtoU.S.monetarypolicyandstablecoinliquidity.
  • Interestratehikeshavereducedstablecoinsupply,impactingBitcoin’sliquidity.
  • FutureperformancedependsonincreasedstablecoinliquidityandfavorableU.S.monetarypolicy.
  • StablecoinliquidityessentialforBitcoin’smarketmomentum.
  • Long-termmarketviewadvisedforinvestors.

Bitcoin has been trading sideways since reaching a new high inMarch,a trend closely tied toU.S.monetary policy and stablecoinliquidity.According to a CryptoQuantanalysis,Bitcoin’sinability to break out of its current trading range is largely due to the tightening monetary policy in theU.S.since March2022.The increase in interest rates has led to a decline in the total circulating supply ofstablecoins,which are essential for providing liquidity in the cryptocurrencymarket.


TheU.S.FederalReserve’sseries of interest rate hikes have put pressure on Bitcoin by reducing the availability ofstablecoins,which are often used to facilitate trading and transactions within the cryptoecosystem.As the supply of these stablecoinsdecreases,so does the liquidity in themarket,making it harder for Bitcoin to gainmomentum.


For Bitcoin to rallysignificantly,an increase in stablecoin liquidity and a more supportiveU.S.monetary policy areessential.CryptoQuant analysts emphasize that stablecoin liquidity is a critical factor forBitcoin’smarketperformance.Without sufficient stablecoinsupply,Bitcoin is likely to remain in its current tradingpattern.


“Thebottom line is that in order for#Bitcointo rally inearnest,we need to see an increase in stablecoin liquidity and circulatingsupply”-By@MAC_D46035


Despite the restrictive monetaryenvironment,Bitcoin has seen price increases over the pastyear.This rise can be attributed to expectations of lower interest rates and continued fiscalstimulus,which have sustained demand forBitcoin.Analysts suggest that any positive changes inU.S.monetarypolicy,such as interest ratecuts,could significantly boostBitcoin’sperformance.


Investors are advised to maintain along-termview of the Bitcoinmarket.MonitoringU.S.monetary policy and stablecoin liquidity will be crucial in predictingBitcoin’snext major pricemovements.As the macroeconomic environmentevolves,these factors will play a pivotal role in shapingBitcoin’sfutureperformance.


Bitcoin’scurrent sideways trading pattern is heavily influenced byU.S.monetary policy and stablecoinliquidity.The reduction in stablecoin supply due to interest rate hikes has constrainedBitcoin’smarketmomentum.For Bitcoin to rallysignificantly,an increase in stablecoin liquidity and a supportiveU.S.monetary policy areessential.Investors should focus on these indicators and adopt along-termperspective to navigate the marketeffectively.


  • StablecoinLiquidity:TheavailabilityofstablecoinsiscrucialforprovidingliquidityintheBitcoinmarket,impactingitsabilitytogainmomentum.
  • MonetaryPolicyImpact:U.S.monetarypolicy,particularlyinterestratedecisions,significantlyinfluencesBitcoin’smarketperformance.
  • MarketMonitoring:InvestorsshouldcloselymonitorstablecoinsupplyandU.S.monetarypolicytomakeinformeddecisionsaboutBitcoininvestments.
  • Long-termStrategy:Adoptingalong-termmarketviewisessentialfornavigatingthevolatileBitcoinmarket,withafocusonkeyeconomicindicators.