

Holograph Protocol Sabotaged by Disgruntled Contractor

Jul 7, 2024 #仮想通貨
Holograph Protocol Sabotaged by Disgruntled Contractor

Holograph,a blockchain tokenizationplatform,faced a security breach by a disgruntled formercontractor,resulting in the minting and sale of$14million worth oftokens,significantly impacting itsmarket.


  • HolographProtocolwassabotagedbyaformerdisgruntledcontractor.
  • Thecontractorminted$14millionworthofHLGtokensusingaproxywallet.
  • TheincidentledtoamarketcrashoftheHLGtoken.
  • Holographinitiatedacomprehensiveresolutionandriskcontrols.
  • Lawenforcementinvolvementisanticipatedforfurtherinvestigation.

Holograph,a blockchain tokenizationplatform,recently experienced a significant security breach caused by a disgruntled formercontractor.This contractor exploited their admin access to mint$14million worth of HLG tokens using a proxywallet,subsequently selling these tokens to unsuspecting investors and causing a drastic crash inHLG’smarketprice.


Holograph began an internal investigation with blockchain investigation firm Halborn and released apost-mortemof the incident on July2.The investigation revealed that the former contractor meticulously planned the heist months inadvance,leveraging their admin access to Holograph Protocolv1contracts as a backdoor for theexploit.


In response to thebreach,Holograph initiated a comprehensiveresolution,including the implementation of operational risk controls to prevent insiderattacks.The protocol announced a network outage to contain the exploit and transitioned to safemode,ensuring blocks were produced without permittingtransactions.

AlaShaabana,co-founderofBittensor,commented on theincident:

“Byway of anupdate,we have contained the attack and put the chain into safe mode(blocksproducing but no transactions arepermitted).We’restillmid-investigationand are considering allpossibilities.”


Holograph intends to involve law enforcement in the investigation to address the theft and potential recovery of lostfunds.The protocol also plans to implement a token burn strategy to reduce the maximum supply of HLG tokens to10billion,addressing community concerns about the inflated circulatingsupply.

The comprehensive measures taken by Holograph highlight the importance of robust security protocols and proactive incident management in the blockchainspace.


The sabotage of Holograph by a former contractor underscores the critical need for stringent security measures and risk management practices within blockchainprojects.As Holograph moves forward with its comprehensive resolution plan and law enforcementinvolvement,the incident serves as a reminder of the vulnerabilities that can arise from insider threats and the importance of maintaining robust securitycontrols.


  • InsiderThreats:Theincidenthighlightstherisksassociatedwithinsiderthreatsandtheimportanceofstringentsecurityprotocolstomitigatesuchrisks.
  • ProactiveResponse:Holograph’sswiftresponseandcomprehensiveresolutionplandemonstrateeffectivecrisismanagementandtheneedforcontinuousriskassessment.
  • CommunityAssurance:Implementingatokenburnstrategyandinvolvinglawenforcementarecrucialstepstorestorecommunitytrustandaddresstheinflatedcirculatingsupply.
  • FutureSecurity:Thisincidentunderscoresthenecessityforblockchainprojectstocontinuallyenhancetheirsecuritymeasuresandconductregularauditstopreventsimilarbreaches.