

U.S. Dollar at Risk: Economist Arthur Laffer Warns of a Shift Towards Alternative Currencies

Aug 12, 2024 #仮想通貨
U.S. Dollar at Risk: Economist Arthur Laffer Warns of a Shift Towards Alternative Currenciesコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Economist Dr. Arthur Laffer raises concerns over the weakening U.S. dollar, de-dollarization trends, and the potential rise of alternative global currencies, including Bitcoin.


  • The U.S. dollar is losing its global appeal due to poor economic policies and high inflation.
  • De-dollarization is gaining momentum, with countries seeking alternatives to the dollar.
  • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are emerging as potential global reserve assets.
  • Dr. Laffer critiques the Biden administration’s economic policies, advocating for sound money principles.
  • There are two potential futures for the global monetary system, depending on the U.S. economic approach.

In a recent interview with Michelle Makori of Kitco News, renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer expressed deep concerns about the future of the U.S. dollar. Laffer, widely recognized for developing the Laffer Curve, discussed the alarming trajectory of the dollar, highlighting the growing trend of de-dollarization and the increasing interest in alternative global currencies.

Laffer, often referred to as the “Father of Reaganomics,” warned that the U.S. dollar is at risk of becoming an “unhinged paper currency.” He attributed this to aggressive monetary policies, poor economic management, and high inflation, which have collectively eroded global trust in the dollar. This erosion of confidence is pushing countries to seek alternatives to the U.S. dollar for international trade and reserve holdings.

A significant driver behind this shift is the exclusion of Russia from the SWIFT financial system following sanctions, which accelerated the trend of de-dollarization. Laffer pointed out that countries like China and Brazil are increasingly trading in their local currencies, while central banks are diversifying their reserves by reducing dollar holdings and increasing their gold reserves. This move away from the dollar signals a potential transformation in the global financial landscape.

Laffer also acknowledged the growing role of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, as alternatives to traditional currencies. He suggested that Bitcoin, if it can stabilize in value, could serve as a strategic reserve asset similar to gold. However, for Bitcoin to fulfill this role, it needs to demonstrate greater stability relative to goods and services.

In his critique of the Biden administration, Laffer argued that current economic policies, characterized by high taxes, excessive government spending, and heavy regulation, are exacerbating the country’s economic decline. He contrasted these policies with the economic successes of the Reagan and Trump administrations, which he attributed to their focus on free trade, low taxes, sound money, and minimal regulation.

Laffer emphasized the importance of sound money and economic stability, advocating for the control of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, the reduction of the monetary base, and the stabilization of the dollar’s value. He argued that a strong and stable dollar would naturally regain its status as the global reserve currency, attracting global capital and fostering economic growth.

Looking ahead, Laffer outlined two potential futures for the global monetary system. If the U.S. can restore trust in the dollar by adhering to sound economic policies, the dollar could once again become the dominant global currency. However, if current trends continue, the world may witness a shift towards alternative currencies, potentially leading to the dollar’s decline.

Laffer also shared his vision for economic prosperity, revealing that he is working on proposals to help countries like El Salvador and the United Kingdom implement comprehensive macroeconomic reforms. He stressed the importance of low taxes, minimal regulation, sound money, and free trade in achieving sustained economic growth and stability.

Laffer Curve


  • De-dollarization Impact: The shift away from the U.S. dollar is not just a theoretical concept but a growing reality as nations seek financial autonomy. This movement could significantly alter global trade dynamics, with the U.S. potentially losing its privileged position in international finance.
  • Bitcoin’s Role in the Future: While Bitcoin is still volatile, its potential as a global reserve asset cannot be ignored. If Bitcoin achieves stability, it could offer a decentralized alternative to traditional reserve currencies, challenging the hegemony of the U.S. dollar.
  • Economic Policy Critique: Laffer’s criticism of current U.S. economic policies underscores the importance of sound money principles. High taxes and excessive regulation could stifle economic growth, leading to long-term financial instability and the erosion of the dollar’s value.