

Why is the SEC Making Exceptions for Banks in Implementing SAB 121?

Jul 15, 2024 #仮想通貨
Why is the SEC Making Exceptions for Banks in Implementing SAB 121?コインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

The SEC has made exceptions for certain custody banks and broker-dealers in implementing SAB 121, which governs the listing of crypto assets by banks. This decision has sparked debate and speculation about the regulatory landscape and its impact on the crypto market.


  • The SEC is making exceptions for certain custody banks and broker-dealers in implementing SAB 121.
  • SAB 121 ensures the listing of crypto assets by banks.
  • The exceptions are based on banks demonstrating different fact patterns from those described in SAB 121.
  • The decision has raised debates and speculations within the market.
  • The regulatory landscape is evolving, impacting the crypto market.

SEC’s Decision to Make Exceptions

The SEC’s recent decision to make exceptions for certain custody banks and broker-dealers in implementing Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) 121 has generated significant attention and debate. SAB 121, passed in March 2022, aims to ensure the proper listing of crypto assets by banks. However, the SEC has allowed exceptions for some custody banks and broker-dealers who have sufficiently demonstrated different fact patterns from those described in SAB 121.

Reasoning Behind the Exceptions

According to an insider, the SEC staff acknowledged that certain broker-dealers and custody banks have proven their fact patterns differ significantly from those outlined in SAB 121. These banks have taken steps to ensure customers maintain ownership of their assets even in the case of a resolution or bankruptcy. This exception reflects a tailored approach by the SEC to accommodate varying practices among financial institutions, ensuring compliance without compromising the integrity of asset custody.

Market Reaction and Speculations

The announcement has sparked considerable debate within the crypto market. Some view the exceptions as a positive outcome for crypto regulations, offering a more nuanced and flexible approach. Others criticize the SEC for perceived secrecy and inconsistency in its regulatory actions. This decision highlights the ongoing evolution of the regulatory landscape, with implications for how crypto assets are managed and reported by financial institutions.

Impact on the Regulatory Landscape

The SEC’s approach to implementing SAB 121 and the subsequent exceptions demonstrate the complexity of regulating the burgeoning crypto sector. As the regulatory environment continues to evolve, financial institutions must navigate these changes carefully. The SEC’s decisions will likely influence future policies and practices regarding the custody and listing of crypto assets, shaping the broader regulatory framework for the industry.


  • Tailored Regulation: The SEC’s decision to make exceptions for certain banks reflects a tailored regulatory approach, accommodating different practices while maintaining compliance.
  • Market Debate: The announcement has generated debate and speculation, highlighting differing perspectives on regulatory flexibility and consistency.
  • Regulatory Evolution: The evolving regulatory landscape requires financial institutions to adapt, with the SEC’s decisions influencing future policies and practices.
  • Institutional Impact: The exceptions for custody banks and broker-dealers highlight the need for financial institutions to demonstrate robust asset custody practices to comply with evolving regulations.
  • Future Implications: The SEC’s approach to SAB 121 will shape the regulatory framework for crypto assets, impacting how they are managed, reported, and perceived by the market.