

Inside Lugano’s Crypto Revolution — A Documentary

Jul 12, 2024 #仮想通貨
Inside Lugano’s Crypto Revolution — A Documentary

Journalist Joe Hall explores Lugano’s progressive adoption of cryptocurrency payments, showcasing the city’s commitment to fostering a crypto-friendly environment through initiatives like the Bitcoin School.


  • Lugano has become a leading hub for Bitcoin transactions.
  • The city hosts a Bitcoin School to educate the public on blockchain and cryptocurrency use.
  • Interviews with industry giants like Adam Back and Paolo Ardoino highlight Lugano’s role in crypto innovation.

Bitcoin journalist Joe Hall recently visited Lugano, Switzerland, a city at the forefront of cryptocurrency payments. Known for its progressive embrace of digital currencies, Lugano has become a leading hub for Bitcoin transactions. Hall explored the city’s Bitcoin School, which educates the public on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency use, highlighting Lugano’s commitment to fostering a crypto-friendly environment.

During his visit, Hall interviewed industry giants like Adam Back, CEO of Blockstream, and Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether. These conversations provided insights into Bitcoin’s future and emphasized Lugano’s role as a center for crypto innovation.

To see Hall’s full journey and find out more about living on Bitcoin in Lugano, watch the complete video on Cointelegraph’s YouTube channel, and don’t forget to subscribe!


  • Cryptocurrency Payments: Transactions made using digital currencies like Bitcoin, which can be used to purchase goods and services.
  • Bitcoin School: An educational institution dedicated to teaching about Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency use.
  • Crypto Innovation: The development of new technologies and solutions within the cryptocurrency and blockchain space.

Lugano’s commitment to cryptocurrency adoption and education sets a precedent for other cities aiming to integrate digital currencies into everyday life, showcasing the potential for widespread blockchain implementation.

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