

Ethereum Meme Coins Down – Pepe, Mog Coin, BOBO

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Ethereum Meme Coins Down – Pepe, Mog Coin, BOBOコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

The recent downturn in the global crypto market has significantly impactedEthereum-basedmeme coins likePEPE,MOG,andBOBO.This article examines the performance of these coins and explores the potential of Base chaintokens.


  • Ethereum-basedmemecoinsPEPE,MOG,andBOBOhavesufferedsubstantiallosses.
  • Basechaintokensareshowingpromisedespitethegeneralmarketdownturn.
  • BaseDawgzleveragesmulti-chainfunctionalityforbroadermarketappeal.


The sharp downtrend in the global crypto market has continued to hit memecoins,particularly those based onEthereum.In the past fewdays,top Ethereum meme coins likePEPE,MOG,and BOBO have suffered substantiallosses.



PEPE,forinstance,has been down by over18%in the last seven days and presently trades at$0.00001042.MOG,anotherEthereum-basedmemecoin,has also underperformed in the past24hours,dropping by13.24%.


Although the current downturn in the market has not spared meme coins in otherecosystems,there is much hope for those investing in Basetokens.According towell-knownexperts,meme coins built on the Base ecosystem have more potential to bring massive gains once the general market sentiment turnsbullish.This is due to thenetwork’srobustarchitecture,which significantly enhances the market credibility of memecoins.

By launching onBase,meme coins unlock several unique benefits like highthroughput,seamless DeFiintegrations,developer-friendlytools,and lowcost.Given the relevance of its advanced functionality to the market acceptability of cryptoprojects,Base has become the favorite destination for seasoned developers and newcomersalike.

With a cumulative market value of over$3.5billion,PostyXBT,a prominent cryptotrader,says it is like an“opportunitycost”to ignore tokens on the Basechain.



This exciting narrative explains BaseDawgz’sblockchain-hoppingcapabilities.Originally built onBase,Base Dawgz leverages the Portal Bridge and Wormhole technologies to unlock its activeness on famousblockchains,especiallyEthereum,Solana,Binance SmartChain,andAvalanche.


Apart from exposing it to a wideraudience,BaseDawgz’smultichain attribute also allows it to benefit from the growth of multipleecosystems.The project will benefit fromBase’sflexibility,Ethereum’saccessibility,Solana’spopularity,and Binance SmartChain’sultra-lowtransactioncost.

Beyond its interoperabilityfeature,another major selling point of Base Dawgz is itsShare-to-Earnmodel.This innovative initiative is designed to reward active members of the community for their engagement with theproject’ssocial mediapage.For creating and sharing BaseDawgz-relatedmemes,participants will receive points which will be redeemed for free DAWGZ tokens at the end of thepresale.

At the time ofwriting,BaseDawgz’spresale campaign is live and has raised over$2.3million,underscoringinvestors’growing confidence in thetoken’spotential.Also,despite being a freshlaunch,Base Dawgz has earned the attention of leadingpublications,includingCointelegraph.

Aboveall,those interested in buying the token right now can visit its officialwebsite.After buyingDAWGZ,investors can also stake their tokens to further compound theirgains.



The downturn in the global crypto market has hitEthereum-basedmeme coinshard,but Base chain tokens show promise due to their robust architecture and advancedfunctionality.BaseDawgz,with itsmulti-chaincapabilities andShare-to-Earnmodel,iswell-positionedto capitalize on the potential marketupswing.

Follow Base Dawgz onX.


  • Ethereum-basedmemecoinslikePEPE,MOG,andBOBOhaveseensignificantlossesduetothemarketdownturn.
  • Basechaintokensaregainingtractionbecauseoftheirrobustarchitectureandpotentialforhighthroughputandlow-costtransactions.
  • BaseDawgzstandsoutwithitsmulti-chainfunctionalityandinnovativeShare-to-Earnmodel,attractinginvestorconfidenceandmediaattention.