

U.S. Court Orders Sam Ikkurty to Pay $84M for Crypto Ponzi Scheme

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
U.S. Court Orders Sam Ikkurty to Pay M for Crypto Ponzi Schemeコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

This article covers thecourt’sruling on Sam Ikkurty and his firm JafiaLLC,which were ordered to pay$84million for operating aPonzi-likescheme.


  • SamIkkurtyandJafiaLLCmustpay$84millionforacryptoPonzischeme.
  • TheCFTCbroughtthelawsuitin2022afterthefund’scollapse.
  • Theschemeinvolvedmisleadingstatementsandusingnewinvestors’fundstopayearlierinvestors.
  • Thejudgmentaimstoaddressfinancialharmandreinforcelegalcompliance.

A federal court has ordered Jafia LLC and itsowner,SamIkkurty,to pay nearly$84million to crypto investors after ruling that the firm operated aPonzi-likescheme.Thejudgment,issued by Judge Mary Rowland in the US District Court for the Northern District ofIllinois,follows a lawsuit brought by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC)in2022after thefund’scollapse.

These included misleading statements aboutIkkurty’strading experience and the promise ofhigh,stableprofits.Instead,Ikkurty used funds from new investors to pay earlierinvestors,a hallmark of a Ponzischeme.


Judge Rowland emphasized that fraudulent activities like these not only break the law but also undermine the integrity of modern financialmarkets.The$84million restitution aims to address the financial harm inflicted on investors and reinforce the importance of legal compliance in cryptocurrencytrading.


  • ThecourtrulinghighlightsthelegalconsequencesofoperatingaPonzischemeinthecryptocurrencymarket.
  • TheCFTC’sinvolvementunderscorestheregulatoryoversightinplacetoprotectinvestors.
  • Thejudgmentservesasadeterrenttootherpotentialfraudstersinthecryptoindustry.
  • Ensuringlegalcomplianceandtransparencyincryptotradingiscrucialformaintainingmarketintegrity.