

Supply On Steady Decline, TRX Holders On Rise, Can It Hit $0.20?

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Supply On Steady Decline, TRX Holders On Rise, Can It Hit alt=コインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Tron’sTRX token shows promising growth amid rising account activity and ongoing deflationarymeasures.Can it reach the$0.20mark?


  • Tron’son-chaindatasizeandaccountactivityarerapidlyincreasing.
  • TRXhasanetnegativeproductionratio,showcasingacommitmenttodeflation.
  • Recenttokenburningshavereducedsupply,potentiallystabilizingvalue.
  • TRXpriceforecastindicatesstrongmomentumwithpotentialtoreach$0.20.

On July2nd,2024,Tron announced the burning of11.531million TRXtokens.Token burnings are crucial for lowering supply to stabilize the value of existingTRX.

#TRON just burned 11,531,634 #TRX on July 2nd 🔥 showcasing a commitment to deflation & value growth 🚀 With a net negative production ratio of -6,465,123 🤯pic.twitter.com/JH33HsNi7h


At the time ofwriting,TRX was trading at$0.1297with an intraday rise of0.35%.It had a trading volume of$261.93million,while its market capitalization stood at$11.34billion.


The Tron ecosystem has progressedrapidly,with total accounts surpassing241million.In the past24hours,there was an increase of219,561accounts.Daily active accounts have reached2.675million,indicating robust userengagement.

Total Account \| Source: Tronscan


On-chaindata size has been increasing simultaneously with node storagevolume,reaching2.177trillionbytes.The average block size has also grown to59.1KB.TRX supply has been in deflation for661daysstraight,with an annualized net negative production rate of-2.95%.

TRX supply \| Source: Tronscan.org


Tron is showing strongmomentum,with resistance levels at$0.1400and$0.1500.If it continues torally,it could reach$0.20.Support levels are at$0.1150and$0.1050.


  • Tron’sdeflationarymeasuresandincreasingaccountactivityindicateastrongpotentialforTRXvaluegrowth.
  • TheconsistentburningofTRXtokensreducessupply,whichcanstabilizeandincreasethetoken’sprice.
  • Robuston-chaindataandgrowingaccountnumbershighlighttheecosystem’sexpansionanduserengagement.
  • Thepriceforecastsuggestspotentialforsignificantgains,withkeyresistanceandsupportlevelsidentified.