

How Blast Gained the Community’s Attention and Why Is It Called a Scam?

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
How Blast Gained the Community’s Attention and Why Is It Called a Scam?

The layer2network Blast has drawn significant community attention but faces accusations of being a pyramidscheme.This article explores the reasons behind its popularity and the controversy surroundingit.


  • OverviewofBlast’sriseinpopularity.
  • ExplanationofBlastPointsandBlastGold.
  • Accusationsoffraudandcommunityreactions.
  • AnalysisofBlast’soperationalmodel.
  • Futureoutlookfortheproject.


Blast,a layer2network,has quickly gained traction within the cryptocommunity.Offering a native return model for Ethereum andstablecoins,Blast charges3.4%and8%,respectively.Users can accumulate Blast Points and BlastGold,which are integral to theplatform’srewardssystem.

Blast Popularity


Blast Points are awarded fordeposits,invitingusers,and participating in thenetwork.Users can also receive a percentage of the points earned by theirreferrals.Blast Gold distributes ecosystem financial projects to provideliquidity,with more funds deposited leading to more significantrewards.These points and gold were converted into BLAST tokens during the June26airdrop.


Shortly after theairdrop,accusations of fraudemerged.Critics,such as userChristian2022.eth,claimed that Blast is a scam and its founder a serialscammer.These accusations were fueled by issues during the airdrop and phishing attacks that targetedusers.Thecommunity’sskepticism is evident in the widespread discussion about theplatform’slegitimacy.

So I deposited over$50Mon@Blast_L2and get$100kairdrop onTGE.

Now I am pretty sure@Blast_L2is a scam project and@PacmanBluris a“serialrugentrepreneur”.

Never blocked anyone in CTbefore,he madeit.I felt so shame to trust himbefore.



Blast’srapid rise and the subsequent backlash highlight the risks and rewards of new cryptoprojects.While Blast offers innovative ways to earnrewards,its operational model has raised red flags formany.Theplatform’sreliance on user deposits and referrals has led some to label it a pyramidscheme.


Blast’sjourney in the crypto space is marked by both rapid growth and significantcontroversy.Theplatform’sinnovative reward system has attracted manyusers,but accusations of fraud and concerns about its operational modelpersist.As the projectevolves,it will need to address these issues to regain community trust and ensure itslong-termviability.

  • CryptoScams:Identifyingandavoidingfraudulentprojects.
  • InvestmentRisks:Understandingthedangersofhigh-yieldcryptoinvestments.
  • Regulation:Theroleofregulationinprotectinginvestors.