

Chainlink, Fidelity, Sygnum Unite for Blockchain NAV; What to Expect?

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Chainlink, Fidelity, Sygnum Unite for Blockchain NAV; What to Expect?コインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Chainlink collaborates with Fidelity International and Sygnum to integrate Net Asset Value(NAV)data into theblockchain,advancing asset tokenization and enhancingtransparency.


  • OverviewofthecollaborationbetweenChainlink,Fidelity,andSygnum.
  • BenefitsofintegratingNAVdataintotheblockchain.
  • Analysisoftheimpactonassettokenization.
  • Expertinsightsonthecollaboration’ssignificance.
  • Futureimplicationsforblockchaintechnology.


On July3,at the Point Zero Forum inZurich,Chainlink revealed a collaboration with Fidelity International and Sygnum to integrate Net Asset Value(NAV)data into theblockchain.This partnership aims to advance the tokenization of assets and enhance the availability of essential assetinformation.

Chainlink Collaboration


Chainlink’sdecentralized blockchain oracle network enablesreal-time,secure NAV data synchronization on theblockchain,offering transparency and historical access for Sygnum and itsclients.This integration supportscross-chaindata sharing and updates programmable assets across multipleenvironments.The initial focus will be on transferring the data of FidelityInternational’sInstitutional LiquidityFund,valued at$6.9billion and recently launched bySygnum,onto theblockchain.

“Theglobal reach and efficiency benefits of tokenized funds are far greater than traditional methods and will over time become the way the entire asset management industryoperates,”said SergeyNazarov,Co-founderofChainlink.


The integration of NAV data into the blockchain is

expected to significantly enhance the asset tokenization process by providingaccurate,real-timedata.This transparency and accessibility will likely increase investor confidence and participation in tokenizedfunds.Chainlink’stechnology allows for seamless synchronization andcross-chaininteroperability,ensuring that data integrity is maintained across various blockchainenvironments.

Chainlink NAV Data


Industry experts view this collaboration as a significant milestone in the evolution of decentralized finance(DeFi).By integrating NAV data into theblockchain,Chainlink,Fidelity,and Sygnum are setting a new standard for transparency and efficiency in assetmanagement.This move is expected to attract more traditional investors to the blockchainspace,bridging the gap between conventional finance andDeFi.


The partnership betweenChainlink,Fidelity,and Sygnum is poised to drive further innovation in the blockchainspace.As more financial institutions recognize the benefits of blockchaintechnology,we can expect to see increased adoption of tokenized assets andreal-timedataintegration.This trend will likely lead to the development of more sophisticated financial products andservices,enhancing the overallecosystem.


Chainlink’scollaboration with Fidelity International and Sygnum to integrate NAV data into the blockchain marks a significant advancement in assettokenization.This partnership enhancestransparency,efficiency,and investorconfidence,paving the way for broader adoption of blockchain technology in traditionalfinance.As the industry continues toevolve,such integrations will play a crucial role in shaping the future of decentralizedfinance.

  • DeFiInnovations:Exploringthelatestdevelopmentsindecentralizedfinance.
  • AssetTokenization:Understandingthebenefitsandchallengesoftokenizingassets.
  • BlockchainAdoption:Theimpactofblockchaintechnologyontraditionalfinance.