

South Korean Prosecutors Shut Down $1.3M Crypto Mining ‘Scam’

Aug 2, 2024 #仮想通貨
South Korean Prosecutors Shut Down .3M Crypto Mining ‘Scam’

South Korean prosecutors have shut down a $1.3 million crypto mining scam, where the mastermind gathered over $4 million from investors using Ponzi methods. The suspect has been charged with fraud and violating the Specific Economic Crimes Act.


  • South Korean prosecutors shut down a $1.3 million crypto mining scam.
  • The mastermind gathered over $4 million from investors using Ponzi methods.
  • The suspect has been charged with fraud and violating the Specific Economic Crimes Act.
  • Crypto mining-related fraud cases have been on the rise in South Korea.
  • Police warn of scams involving overseas crypto mining projects promising high returns.

South Korean prosecutors have successfully shut down a major crypto mining scam, where the mastermind behind the operation gathered over $4 million from investors using fraudulent methods. The scam involved embezzling $1.3 million from one of the victims, and the suspect has been charged with fraud and violating the Specific Economic Crimes Act.

The Scam and Its Mastermind

The suspect, a man in his forties, allegedly gathered investments from September 2021 to August 2023, promising high returns from crypto mining operations. However, the investigation revealed that the man did not conduct any cryptocurrency-related business at all. Instead, he used Ponzi methods, paying older investors with funds from newer ones.

Legal Actions and Charges

The Seoul Western District Prosecutors’ Office has charged the suspect with multiple offenses, including fraud and violations of investment advisory services-related laws. The prosecution stated that the man embezzled $1.3 million from one victim alone and gathered over $4.1 million in total from at least nine investors. The prosecution’s spokesperson emphasized their commitment to preventing similar damages and ensuring appropriate punishment for the defendant.

Increasing Trend of Crypto Mining Scams

Crypto mining-related fraud cases have been on the rise in South Korea, driven by high electricity prices and the promise of high returns from overseas mining projects. Police have warned of scams where investors are invited to participate in mining operations in countries like Kazakhstan, often with guarantees of monthly returns. These scams typically attract victims through open chat rooms on platforms like KakaoTalk and Telegram, as well as dating apps.


The successful shutdown of this $1.3 million crypto mining scam by South Korean prosecutors highlights the ongoing risks and challenges in the cryptocurrency market. Investors are urged to exercise caution and thoroughly investigate any investment opportunities, particularly those involving crypto mining projects promising high returns. Authorities remain vigilant in their efforts to prevent fraud and protect investors from similar scams.


  • South Korean prosecutors have shut down a significant crypto mining scam, charging the mastermind with fraud and other offenses.
  • The suspect gathered over $4 million from investors using Ponzi methods, embezzling $1.3 million from one victim alone.
  • Crypto mining-related fraud cases are increasing in South Korea, often involving promises of high returns from overseas projects.
  • Investors should be cautious and thoroughly investigate any investment opportunities, especially those with high return guarantees.
  • Authorities are committed to preventing fraud and protecting investors from similar scams.