

10 Signs You’ve Been in the Crypto Industry Too Long

Aug 10, 2024 #仮想通貨
10 Signs You’ve Been in the Crypto Industry Too Longコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

If you’ve been in the crypto industry for a while, you’ll recognize the ups and downs that come with it. This humorous article highlights 10 signs that you might have been in the crypto space a bit too long, reflecting the unique mindset of seasoned crypto veterans.


  • A 28% market drop is seen as a “healthy correction” by seasoned crypto traders.
  • Losing a large portion of net worth prompts meme creation, not panic.
  • Despite embracing crypto, you’re reluctant to spend Bitcoin in retail outlets.
  • Celeb endorsements of crypto are now viewed skeptically as cash grabs.
  • The thrill of chasing new memecoins outweighs frugality in daily life.

The crypto world is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a rollercoaster ride full of ups and downs, where market turbulence is just part of the game. If you’ve been around long enough, you

start to see the signs that you’ve become a true crypto veteran. Here are ten indicators that you’ve been in the crypto industry way too long.

  1. You Call a 28% Drop a “Healthy Correction”
    Market drops no longer phase you. A 28% dip? That’s just a healthy correction, clearing out the leverage. As long as Tether is stable, so are you.

  2. You Lose 65% of Your Net Worth and Your First Thought Is to Meme
    As your portfolio melts away, you’re more focused on finding the perfect meme to express your situation than on the actual losses. You’ve mastered the art of laughing through the pain.

  3. You Love Bitcoin’s Acceptance but Never Spend It
    You’re thrilled when you see that your favorite café accepts Bitcoin, but you’d never actually spend your BTC there. After all, why spend an asset that’s going to the moon?

  4. Celeb Endorsements Are Now Cash Grabs
    Once, you thought celebs endorsing crypto was the gateway to mass adoption. Now, you see it as them cashing in on the hype—and you’re not impressed.

  5. You’re Frugal in Daily Life but YOLO into Memecoins
    You’ve cut back on everything from Uber Eats to electricity to save money, but you think nothing of throwing $20,000 into a shiny new memecoin that promises to change your life.

  6. Regret Over Not Buying PEPE at $0.000001
    Missing out on early gains haunts you. You’re paralyzed by regret for not buying PEPE when it was practically worthless, even though it’s doubled since.

  7. Your Friends Are All Anonymous Characters
    You have more in common with anonymous anime avatars and frogs online than with your real-life friends. These digital buddies know more about your wallet than anyone in the physical world.

  8. You Sell Right Before a Bull Run
    You’ve hodled through the worst of times, but just before the next big bull run, you sell everything. It’s a cruel twist of fate that you know all too well.

  9. You’re Not a Millionaire After Four Bull Markets
    You joined crypto to get rich quick, but after four bull markets, you’re still not a millionaire. Time to reassess your strategy—maybe next cycle.

  10. You Start to Think Satoshi Is a CIA Agent
    You’ve been around long enough to start questioning everything, including Satoshi’s true identity. Could Bitcoin’s creator be a government plant? The thought crosses your mind.


  • The crypto industry is known for its volatility, and those who have been in the game long enough learn to see market corrections as opportunities rather than disasters.
  • Humor is a coping mechanism for many in the crypto world, especially during downturns. Memes play a huge role in the community, offering a light-hearted way to deal with heavy losses.
  • The reluctance to spend Bitcoin reflects a broader sentiment in the community: the belief in Bitcoin’s long-term value often outweighs the convenience of spending it in the short term.
  • Skepticism towards celebrity endorsements shows how the community has matured. Early adopters are now wary of hype and more focused on substance.