

OpenAI backs Senate bills to advance AI safety and accessibility

Aug 1, 2024 #仮想通貨
OpenAI backs Senate bills to advance AI safety and accessibilityコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

OpenAI has expressed support for three Senate bills focused on advancing AI safety and accessibility. These bills aim to guide the development of AI in a responsible and inclusive manner.


  • OpenAI supports the Future of AI Innovation Act, the CREATE AI Act, and the NSF AI Education Act.
  • The bills address various aspects of AI, including research democratization and workforce development.
  • OpenAI’s backing reflects a commitment to responsible AI development.
  • Policymakers are increasingly exploring regulatory frameworks for AI.

OpenAI has announced its support for three Senate bills aimed at advancing the safety and accessibility of artificial intelligence. These bills—the Future of AI Innovation Act, the CREATE AI Act, and the NSF AI Education Act—address different aspects of AI development and reflect a concerted effort to guide the technology in a responsible and inclusive manner.

The Bills

The Future of AI Innovation Act aims to promote the development and deployment of AI technologies in a manner that prioritizes safety and ethical considerations. This bill focuses on establishing guidelines and standards to ensure that AI systems are developed and used responsibly.

The CREATE AI Act formalizes the creation of an initiative to democratize access to AI research resources. This democratization is crucial for fostering innovation and ensuring that the benefits of AI advancements are widely distributed. By making AI research more accessible, the bill aims to support a diverse range of researchers and developers.

The NSF AI Education Act focuses on strengthening the AI workforce and enhancing educational opportunities related to AI tools. This bill seeks to prepare the next generation of AI professionals by providing the necessary resources and training to develop their skills and knowledge.

Push for AI Regulation

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, policymakers worldwide are increasingly exploring the need for regulatory frameworks to govern its development and deployment. OpenAI’s support for these bills reflects its commitment to advancing AI in a way that is both innovative and responsible.

We believe that these bills are essential steps toward creating a safe and accessible AI ecosystem that benefits everyone. — OpenAI spokesperson

By backing these legislative efforts, OpenAI underscores the importance of collaboration between industry and policymakers to ensure that AI technologies are developed with safety, ethics, and accessibility in mind.


OpenAI’s support for the Future of AI Innovation Act, the CREATE AI Act, and the NSF AI Education Act highlights the organization’s commitment to promoting responsible AI development. These bills represent important steps toward creating a safe and inclusive AI ecosystem that benefits society as a whole.

Important: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.


  • OpenAI’s backing of Senate bills reflects its commitment to responsible and inclusive AI development.
  • The bills aim to establish guidelines, democratize AI research, and enhance AI workforce education.
  • Collaboration between industry and policymakers is crucial for ensuring the safe and ethical development of AI technologies.
  • Regulatory frameworks are essential for guiding the evolution and deployment of artificial intelligence in a way that benefits society.