

China Hits Back at EU Tariffs With Explosive Investigation on European Brandy

Jul 9, 2024 #仮想通貨
China Hits Back at EU Tariffs With Explosive Investigation on European Brandyコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

This article discusses the escalating trade tensions between China and the European Union, focusing on China’s investigation into European brandy imports in response to new EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.


  • China launches an anti-dumping investigation into European brandy.
  • EU imposes tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.
  • Impact of escalating trade tensions on Sino-European relations.
  • Stakeholder reactions and potential economic consequences.
  • Future outlook for trade negotiations between China and the EU.

Trade tensions between China and the European Union are intensifying, with both sides implementing measures that could significantly impact bilateral trade. In response to the EU’s new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, China has launched an anti-dumping investigation into European brandy imports.

China’s Anti-Dumping Investigation
China’s recent actions include an anti-dumping investigation into European brandy, following earlier investigations into pork shipments from the EU. This move is part of a broader strategy to protect its industries from the economic impacts of EU tariffs.

“China’s swift response to EU tariffs highlights the growing trade tensions and the potential for further economic repercussions.”


EU Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles
The European Union has imposed provisional tariffs of 37.6% on Chinese electric vehicles, citing concerns about unfair competition and market distortion. These tariffs are set to remain in place for four months, during which manufacturers can comment on the measures.

Impact on Sino-European Relations
China’s response to the EU’s tariffs has been swift, with investigations extending to other European exports, including pork and potentially dairy products. This strategy aims to exert pressure on EU member states and protect China’s economic interests.

Stakeholder Reactions
The immediate reactions from stakeholders have been mixed. Shares of Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers, such as SAIC Motors, Geely, and BYD, have fallen in Hong Kong. European exporters, particularly in France and Spain, are also bracing for potential economic impacts.

Future Outlook
Analysts predict that if no resolution is found, these escalating measures could severely disrupt trade relations between China and the EU. Both parties are expected to engage in intensive negotiations to avoid further tariff escalation and find common ground.


  • Anti-Dumping Investigation: An investigation conducted to determine whether a country’s exports are being sold at an unfairly low price, harming domestic industries.
  • Provisional Tariffs: Temporary tariffs imposed to protect domestic industries while a thorough investigation is conducted.
  • Sino-European Relations: The political, economic, and social interactions between China and the European Union.

The escalating trade tensions between China

and the European Union are indicative of broader global economic challenges. China’s strategic response to EU tariffs by investigating European brandy and other exports underscores its determination to protect domestic industries. As both sides navigate these tensions, the focus will be on finding a resolution that minimizes economic disruption and fosters sustainable trade relations. The outcome of these negotiations will be crucial in shaping the future of Sino-European trade dynamics and the broader global economic landscape.