

Bitcoin Price Remains Stable After Key US Data Release

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Bitcoin Price Remains Stable After Key US Data Release

Bitcoin’sprice remains stable following the release of critical US economicdata,demonstrating resilience in the face of marketfluctuations.


  • ADPnon-farmemploymentchangedatacameinlowerthanexpected.
  • USunemploymentclaimsdataexceededforecasts.
  • Bitcoin’spriceremainssteadyaround$60,104despiteeconomicdata.

The release of key US economic data has shown a mixed impact on themarkets,with Bitcoin exhibiting notableresilience.The ADPnon-farmemployment change data reported an addition of150,000jobs,falling short of the forecasted163,000.This shortfall suggestsslower-than-anticipatedjob growth in the privatesector.

Bitcoin Price Chart


Conversely,US unemployment claims were reported at238,000,surpassing the expectation of234,000.Thishigher-than-expectednumber indicates a slight increase in joblessclaims,which could signal underlying economicconcerns.


Bitcoin recently tested the critical$64,000mark but experienced asell-off,bringing its price below$60,000.Following the release of the US economicdata,Bitcoin’sprice was recorded at$60,104,showing resilience despite a3%drop over the last24hours.This stability suggests thatBitcoin’smarket reaction to the economic data might have already occurred prior to therelease.


– MonitorUSeconomicdatareleasescloselyastheycansignificantlyinfluenceBitcoin’sshort-termpricemovements.
– Beawareofcriticalpricelevels,suchas$64,000and$60,000,asthesecanserveassupportorresistancepoints.
– Understandthatmarketreactionstoeconomicdatamighthappeninadvance,reflectinginpre-announcementpriceadjustments.

Bitcoin’sability to hold steady despite recent economic data releases indicates a robust underlying supportlevel.Investors should remainvigilant,keeping an eye on both economic indicators and critical price levels to navigate the marketeffectively.