

Deutsche Telekom MMS Joins Subsquid’s Decentralized Data Lake

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Deutsche Telekom MMS Joins Subsquid’s Decentralized Data Lake

Deutsche Telekom MMS joinsSubsquid’sdecentralized datalake,enhancing thenetwork’sresilience and scalability while improving data access forWeb3developers.


  • DeutscheTelekomMMSrunsdedicatedworkernodesforSubsquid.
  • Thepartnershipbooststhenetwork’sresilienceandscalability.
  • Subsquidaimstorevolutionizeblockchaindataaccesswithadecentralizedstack.

Deutsche Telekom MMS has announced its partnership with Subsquid by joining its decentralized datalake,a move set to significantly enhance thenetwork’sresilience andscalability.This collaboration involves Deutsche Telekom MMS operating dedicated worker nodes onSubsquid’shyper-scalableplatform,thereby facilitating efficient data access forWeb3developers.

Deutsche Telekom MMS


Deutsche Telekom MMS joins over700nodes managed by individuals and corporate entities withinSubsquid’snetwork.These nodes are critical to thenetwork’sfunctionality,responding to queries and delivering data from the data lake toconsumers,includingindexers,as quickly aspossible.

Subsquid is ahyper-scalable,modular decentralized data platform designed to provide developers with the blockchain data access needed to buildWeb3products.By running workernodes,Deutsche Telekom MMS enhances thenetwork’ssecurity andscalability.


In the fragmentedWeb3landscape,accessing data from multiplelayer-1andlayer-2chains presents challenges due to differing formats and accesspoints.Traditionally,data retrieval has relied on centralized APIs or RPCnodes,which come with highcosts,long retrievaltimes,corrupteddata,and securityconcerns.Subsquid aims to revolutionize this process with a fully decentralizedstack.

During the testnetphase,more than60,000indexers weredeployed.Since the mainnet launch on June3,over700worker nodes have beenactivated,storing over536TB of data forpeer-to-peerserving.



Meanwhile,DirkRöder,head of theWeb3Infrastructure&Solutions team at Deutsche TelekomMMS,revealed at the BTC Prague event that the company has been operating a Bitcoin node since2023.This is part of DeutscheTelekom’sbroader strategy to integrate more deeply into the cryptocurrencyspace.

In amomentofexcitement,Röderhintedatthecompany’sfutureplanswithacrypticstatement:“Iliketoletyouinonalittlesecret.Wewillengageindigitalmonetaryphotosynthesissoon.”WhenpressedfordetailsaboutwhetherthismeantDeutscheTelekomwouldbeminingBitcoin,Röderconfirmed,“Wewill.”

By miningBitcoin,Deutsche Telekom is not only embracing the potential of blockchain technology but also positioning itself as a key player in the digital monetaryecosystem.


Deutsche TelekomMMS’spartnership with Subsquid and its foray into Bitcoin mining marks a significant step forward in thecompany’sinvolvement in the blockchainspace.These initiatives highlight thecompany’scommitment to enhancing blockchain data accessibility and embracing the future of digitalcurrency.