

Jamie Dimon Bashes Partisan Politics in Presidential Election Op-ed

Aug 3, 2024 #仮想通貨
Jamie Dimon Bashes Partisan Politics in Presidential Election Op-ed

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon criticizes partisan politics in a recent op-ed, calling for the next U.S. president to address key issues like the economy, border security, and national pride.


  • Dimon urges the next president to focus on unifying the country and addressing critical issues.
  • He highlights the importance of involving the private sector in policymaking.
  • Dimon criticizes the current political climate of division and tribalism.
  • He emphasizes teaching civics and American exceptionalism.

Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, has voiced his concerns about the state of U.S. politics in a recent op-ed, calling for the next president to move beyond partisan divisions and tackle crucial national issues. Dimon describes the current geopolitical landscape as “the most complicated since World War II” and stresses the need for leadership that unites rather than divides.

Dimon advocates for a president who prioritizes the economy, border security, and national pride. He suggests that a renewed focus on teaching civics and American exceptionalism, while acknowledging past mistakes, is essential for fostering national unity.

Dimon’s message also carries a strong pro-business undertone. He believes that politicians must engage with the private sector, which he notes produces 85% of the nation’s jobs and holds vast expertise. He argues that business leaders should have a significant role in government decision-making, urging future presidents to include talented individuals from both the business community and opposing political parties in their cabinets.

The op-ed underscores Dimon’s belief that the current political climate, characterized by insult, stereotyping, and scapegoating, is detrimental to progress. Instead, he calls for respectful engagement with voters, recognizing their diverse perspectives and legitimate reasons for their views.

“Recognize that voters are all different and have good reasons to think differently. Do not insult, stereotype, weaponize, scapegoat or gaslight. And do not attack them. Engage them.”

Dimon’s critique of political tribalism and his appeal for a more inclusive and pragmatic approach to governance highlights the need for a shift in how political leaders address the nation’s challenges.


  • Dimon’s call for unity and focus on critical issues reflects a broader desire for effective leadership amid complex global challenges.
  • His emphasis on involving the private sector in policymaking underscores the importance of leveraging business expertise to address economic and social issues.
  • The op-ed serves as a reminder of the detrimental effects of divisive politics and the need for respectful and inclusive dialogue.