

Gamestop (GME) Price Sinks 18% In A Day After Lawsuit Dismissed; Will It Recover?

Jul 4, 2024 #仮想通貨
Gamestop (GME) Price Sinks 18% In A Day After Lawsuit Dismissed; Will It Recover?コインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Gamestop(GME)experiences a significant price drop after a lawsuitdismissal.


  • GMEpricedropped18%in24hoursfollowingthelawsuitdismissal.
  • ThestockhadpreviouslysurgedduetoRoaringKitty’srenewedinterest.
  • InvestorsremainconcernedaboutthefutureperformanceofGME.

Gamestop(GME)has seen a significant pricedecline,dropping18%in a single day following the dismissal of a lawsuit against KeithGill,also known as RoaringKitty.Gill was a central figure in the meme stock mania of2021and recently revealed his holdings inGamestop,causing a surge in stock prices by more than90%.

The price impact of the lawsuit dismissal has beennotable.On June28,GME’sprice was relativelystable,but the news of thelawsuit’sdismissal led to an18%drop in the following24hours.Despitethis,GME has shownresilience,rebounding slightly but still facingvolatility.

Analyzing the pricehistory,GME had anall-timehigh of$0.03207just25daysago,driven by renewed interest from RoaringKitty.However,the stock has struggled to maintainstability,moving sideways for weeks and currently trading at$0.00705

after declining from$0.00994on June28.The recent volatility has left investors questioning thestock’sfuture performance and potentialrecovery.


Despite the recent pricedecline,there are a few factors that could influence a potential recovery for Gamestop(GME).The Relative Strength Index(RSI)is currentlyneutral,indicating that the ongoing sideways trend might continue in the shortterm.Additionally,the continued interest from Roaring Kitty and the overall popularity of meme stocks could provide some support forGME’sprice.

However,the concerns about the lawsuit and its potentialre-filing,along with the general market sentiment towards memestocks,present significantchallenges.Investors should be cautious and monitor key technical levels and news developments related toGME.


  • Gamestop’srecentpricemovementshighlightthevolatilityandspeculativenatureofmemestocks.
  • TheinvolvementofprominentfigureslikeRoaringKittycansignificantlyinfluencestockprices,butalsoaddstotheuncertainty.
  • InvestorsshouldconsiderbothtechnicalindicatorsandexternalfactorswhenassessingthepotentialforGME’spricerecovery.