

IRS Unveils Updated Crypto Reporting Form for US Taxpayers: What You Need to Know

Aug 11, 2024 #仮想通貨
IRS Unveils Updated Crypto Reporting Form for US Taxpayers: What You Need to Knowコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

The IRS has introduced a revised Form 1099-DA for cryptocurrency transactions, aiming to simplify and clarify tax reporting requirements for U.S. taxpayers. This new form, set to be used in 2026, reflects significant changes designed to address privacy concerns and reduce the burden on taxpayers.


  • The IRS released a revised Form 1099-DA to simplify crypto tax reporting.
  • Key changes include the removal of transaction timestamps and wallet addresses.
  • The updated form is expected to be implemented for tax filings in 2026.
  • The IRS is seeking public feedback on the preliminary form.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has made a significant update to its cryptocurrency tax reporting guidelines by releasing a revised version of Form 1099-DA, titled “Digital Asset Proceeds From Broker Transactions.” This update, announced on August 8th, is part of the IRS’s ongoing effort to provide clearer guidance for U.S. taxpayers dealing with digital assets. If approved, this new form will be used for the first time in the 2025 tax year, with reporting required by April 2026.

One of the most notable changes in the new 1099-DA form is the elimination of several reporting requirements that were seen as overly burdensome. For instance, the IRS has removed the requirement to include the exact time of day for each transaction, along with the need to disclose wallet addresses and transaction IDs. This is a significant shift from the April draft of the form, which many in the industry criticized for being too stringent.

These changes reflect the IRS’s responsiveness to feedback from the crypto community, which was given 30 days to comment on the initial draft. The removal of specific transaction details and the broker type question is aimed at simplifying the process for taxpayers and reducing the complexity of reporting.

The revised form is part of a broader effort by the IRS to streamline tax reporting for digital assets as the use of cryptocurrencies becomes more widespread. By focusing on the essentials and removing unnecessary data points, the IRS hopes to make it easier for taxpayers to comply with reporting requirements while ensuring that the tax authorities receive the necessary information to enforce tax laws effectively.


  • IRS’s Approach: The IRS’s decision to revise Form 1099-DA reflects a broader trend towards simplifying tax reporting for digital assets. By eliminating the need for detailed transaction data, the IRS is acknowledging the challenges faced by taxpayers in accurately reporting every aspect of their cryptocurrency transactions.

  • Market Impact: The introduction of this revised form is likely to have a significant impact on how cryptocurrency transactions are reported in the U.S. It also signals the IRS’s commitment to adapting to the evolving digital asset landscape, which could lead to further regulatory developments in the future.

  • Feedback Opportunity: The IRS’s call for public feedback on the revised form indicates a willingness to engage with the crypto community and address their concerns. This approach not only fosters a more cooperative relationship between taxpayers and the IRS but also ensures that the final form will be practical and effective in achieving its goals.