

Revolutionizing DeFi: Exclusive Interview with Waves and Units.Network CEO Sasha Ivanov

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Revolutionizing DeFi: Exclusive Interview with Waves and Units.Network CEO Sasha Ivanovコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

This exclusive interview with SashaIvanov,CEO of Waves andUnits.Network,delves into the innovations and future of decentralized finance(DeFi).


  • Blockchaintechnology’spotentialtoinnovatethefinancialsector.
  • ThemotivationbehindenteringthecryptoandDeFiworld.
  • Challengesinthecurrentcryptotradingenvironment.
  • DetailsontheinnovativePowerProtocolanditsdistinctfeatures.
  • ContributionsofWavesandUnits.NetworktoadvancingDeFi.

The crypto sector is constantly adapting to the latest financialrequirements,showing a resilient commitment to establishing a sustainable and decentralized financialecosystem.One of the prominent names contributing to this development is SashaIvanov,the CEO andCo-Founderof WAVES andUnits.Network.WAVES operates as a blockchain network using theproof-of-stakeconsensusmechanism,whileUnits.Networkis an interlinked blockchain ecosystem encouraging innovation with the latestcross-chainsolutions.This special interview delves into his ventures and the remarkable achievements of“PowerProtocol”lastyear,which has turned the ecosystem endeavors intoDAOs.

Tocommencewith,can you briefly explain blockchain technology and its potential to innovate the financialsphere?
In anutshell,blockchain technology removes intermediaries between products andusers,resulting in a moretransparent,cost-effective,and secure financialinfrastructure.By eliminating counterparty risks associated with centralized service providers such as banks or tradingplatforms,blockchain ensures a more robust and trustworthy financialsystem.

Canyou share the motivation leading your venture into the crypto and DeFiworld?
I’vealways seen the financial aspect of crypto as merely one part of a much largerpicture.Blockchain has the potential to fundamentally disrupt societal structures by replacing social consensus with a technicalone.I envision the emergence of large DAO structures that offer a viable alternative to current centralized governancemodels,driving a new era of decentralizedadministration.

Whatare the potential challenges causing the present inactivity in crypto trading and how can it beovercome?
Currently,markets arestagnant,likely in anticipation of significant geopoliticalevents,particularly the upcoming USelections.We can expect increased volatility in the nearfuture.Regardless,crypto should perform better than traditional financialmarkets.Despite a stronger correlation between crypto and traditional marketsrecently,crypto is still perceived as a hedge against traditional financialuncertainties.

Canyou give a gist of the innovative‘PowerProtocol’and the vision that drove your remarkable project throughout the lastyear?
The Power Protocol is about advancing DAO governance to the next level by introducing governanceaccountability.It rewardsdecision-makersfor successful outcomes that align with DAO goals and punishes those whose decisions donot.This filtering process ensures that efficientdecision-makersarepromoted,leading to more effective governance and goal attainment within theDAO.

Kindlylet our audience know how‘PowerProtocol’is distinct from the rest of suchendeavors.
The key difference between the Power Protocol and other governance models is the continuous process of governanceimprovement.This process assesses the efficiency of individual DAO participants and adjusts their governance power based on theirperformance.It allows for a more efficientdecision-makingprocess and gives more power to participants whose goals are more aligned with the goals of the DAOitself.

Whatare the chief characteristics of your extraordinary project contributing to revolutionizingDAOs,DeFi,and finance managementtools?
The goal ofUnits.networkis to take the Layer2narrative to its logicalconclusion,where all layers are fully interoperable and interconnected through the base layer they are all connectedto.On top ofthat,all Layer2chains should become properly decentralized and supported by multiplevalidators,effectively becoming Layer1chains.In thisscenario,the underlying chain transforms from a Layer1chain to a Layer0chain,as its goal becomes providing the basic interoperability layer for all interconnectedchains.All chains onUnits.networkare fully interoperable and EVMcompatible,with trustless interconnectivity betweenthem.

Howis yourco-foundedproject Waves contributing to the broad mission of advancing the decentralized financerealm?
Canyou elaborate on UnitNetwork’sendeavors to facilitate the overall financial businesses andcommunities?
The goal ofUnits.networkis to enable a very simple process for launching your own blockchains and securing your ownblockspace.When launched in2016,the Waves blockchain became popular because it was very easy to launch a token onit;one could issue a token in just a fewclicks.Now,we aim to do a similar thing for launching your ownblockchain.The process should become straightforward andaccessible.InUnits.network,all you have to do is make a DAOproposal,and onceit’sapproved,you get your own chain without the need to launch your own validatornodes.

Isthere anythingyou’dlike to add that we could include in thearticle?
Despite the Waves ecosystem being relatively old for the blockchain space(launchedin2016)and the challengeswe’vefaced over the last twoyears,we are movingforward.The launch ofUnits.Networkis giving Waves a newboost.We’vealways been able to adapt andprogress.Stay tuned for the launch ofUnits.Network,and you will witness the transformation of Waves into a fullydecentralized,multi-purposeecosystem capable of supporting anyWeb3endeavor.

Our discussion with Sasha Ivanov has brought to the front the unlimited potential of the DeFi sector with the contribution of exclusive initiatives likeUnits.Networkand“PowerProtocol.”Particularly,Units.Network’ssupport for the Waves ecosystem has resulted in theplatform’stransformation into a completely decentralizedforum.He doubles down on the DeFisector’sfurther growth despite the current market halt due to macroeconomicfactors.A significant contributor to this progress deals with initiatives like PowerProtocol.Hence,these projects are leading the way to a brighter future in the DeFirealm.


  • SashaIvanov’sinsightshighlightthetransformativepotentialofblockchaintechnologyincreatingamoretransparentandsecurefinancialsystem.
  • ThePowerProtocol’sgovernancemodelcouldsignificantlyimprovetheefficiencyandaccountabilityofDAOs.
  • ThecontinueddevelopmentofUnits.NetworkandWavesdemonstratesthepotentialforinnovativeblockchainsolutionstoadvancetheDeFisector.
  • Understandingthechallengesandopportunitiesinthecurrentcryptomarketcanhelpinvestorsnavigateandcapitalizeonfuturedevelopments.