

Worldcoin Creates a Global Identity and Financial Network

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Worldcoin Creates a Global Identity and Financial Network

Worldcoin aims to create a globally accessible identity and financial network using advanced technology like the Orb device and the Proof of Personalityprotocol.


  • Worldcoinoperatesinover35countrieswithsignificantupdateslikeWorldID2.0.
  • TheprojectaimstodevelopauniversalcurrencyandpotentiallyserveasUniversalBasicIncome(UBI).
  • TheWorldcoinFoundationoverseestheprojectwithcommunitygovernance.
  • Majorupdatesincludeintegrationswithplatformsforidentityverificationandpartnershipsforfinancialoperations.
  • Recentdevelopmentsincludetheopen-sourcingoftheIRISrecognitionsystemandtheintroductionofWorldID2.0.

Worldcoin(WLD)is a digital identity project aiming to create a globally accessible identity and financial network foreveryone.The project preserves privacy by using the Orbdevice,which captures an iris image to verifyusers’uniqueness,and the Proof of Personalityprotocol.Worldcoin operates in over35countries with significant updates like World ID2.0and integrates with various platforms for identityverification.

Whatis Worldcoin(WLD)?

Worldcoin is a groundbreaking digital identity project launched in October2021by AlexBlania,MaxNovendstern,and OpenAIco-founderSamAltman.The initiative aims to be accessible toeveryone,regardless of theircountry,background,or economicstatus.Tools for Humanity(TFH),founded by theco-foundersin2019,led the initial research and development ofWorldcoin.Theproject’sambitious goal was to develop a universalcurrency,initially planned to be distributed to one billion people viaAirDrop,potentially serving as Universal Basic Income(UBI).However,the challenge of distinguishing humans from online bots made the AirDrop processproblematic.

TFH established the WorldcoinFoundation,anon-profitorganization,on October31,2022,to oversee and manage the project towards communitygovernance.Theproject’sintellectualproperties,including smartcontracts,SDKs,and patents for the Orbdevice,were transferred to the WorldcoinFoundation.As of January2023,Worldcoin’sOrb-verifieduser registrations exceeded onemillion.

Several significant events have markedWorldcoin’sdevelopment.On June29,2023,Okta’sAuth0Marketplace integrated Worldcoin“login”processes using WorldID.Talent Protocol became the firstWeb3platform to support World ID for identity verification on July6,2023.Moreover,as of July2023,World ID registrations surpassed two millionusers.On July20,2023,the World ID SDK wasreleased,allowing developers to integrate World ID intoapplications.On the sameday,Worldcoin moved its operations toOptimism,bridgingEthereum,Polygon,andOptimism.By July24,2023,Worldcoin had distributed the first fully built1,500Orb devices to various countries and officially launched verification operations in over35countries.

The World App update introduced on September18,2023,reduced transaction costs on Optimism by introducing transactionbatching.On October22,2023,the Worldcoin Foundation extended its first credit agreements with marketmakers,reducing the credit amount to75millionWLD.On November28,2023,Worldcoin partnered with Ramp to enable the conversion of WLD to fiat currency through the WorldApp.

Additionally,the optional data retention feature in favor of personal data storage wasremoved,and a wallet bridge wasintroduced.Furthermore,on December14,2023,Worldcoinopen-sourcedIRIS,anend-to-endiris recognitionsystem,and signed a new agreement with the first market makers to lend10million WLD over six months starting from December2023.

Among the latest developments is the introduction of World ID2.0on December13,2024.This major upgrade will bring new integrations with platforms like Reddit andDiscord,a new Worldcoin AppStore,and three levels of userverification.

Howto Buy Worldcoin(WLD)withTRY?


Opening an account on Binance TR is quiteeasy.You need to go totrbinance.comand proceed from the“CreateAccount”step.In the first step of accountcreation,you will be asked to enter basic information such as emailaddress,phonenumber,name-surname,date ofbirth,nationality,andT.C.identitynumber.

Account Creation

After entering the requested information completely andaccurately,email/smsverification will be done to confirm theinformation.After completing thisprocess,you will proceed to the secondstep,identity verification(KYC).


Identity verification on Binance TR is one of the security procedures that must be completed before starting cryptocurrency trading and during accountcreation.This process is also necessary to protect both the user and the cryptocurrencyexchange.You can choose to perform the verification process from your phone or through BinanceTR’sofficialwebsite.Note that you will need your mobile phone to verify your identity from thewebsite.

Identity Verification

On the Binance TRwebsite,hover over the“Profile”option at the topright,select“IdentityVerification andLimits”from thedrop-downmenu,and then click“Verify.”After thisstep,you will need to scan the QR code that appears with yourphone’scamera and continue the process on yourphone.If you cannot scan the QRcode,click“CopyURL”to send the identity verification address to your phone viaSMS.

QR Code Verification

When you enter the address on your phone or scan the QRcode,a screen like the one below will open on yourphone.Fromhere,continue by tapping the“Identity”optionfirst.

Document Type Selection

Then a screen like the one below willappear.To continue the verificationprocess,first select the document type that suits you andcontinue.

Document Upload

After selecting the documenttype,continue by tapping the“UploadFront”option.After taking a photo of the front side of the document according to the document type youselected,tap the“UploadBack”option and take a photo of the back side of the document and uploadit.Ensure that the images are clear and the information in the photo is easily readable when taking photos of the front and back sides of your ID card ordriver’slicense.

Then continue by tapping the“Selfie”option.At thispoint,yourphone’sfront camera willopen,and you will need to scan your

face.Ensure that your face fills the camera area as much as possible after the cameraopens.After completing all these steps accurately andcompletely,your identity verification process will be completed within a shorttime.

Selfie Verification


You can easily deposit TL into your Binance TR account from allbanks.You can deposit and trade24/7from yourVakıfbank,ZiraatBankası,İşBankası,Akbank,Fibabanka,Şekerbank,andTürkiyeFinans accounts withoutinterruption.Deposits from other banks can be made24/7with FAST up to50,000TL.Deposits over50,000TL from other banks are processed within EFThours.

To deposit money into your Binance TRaccount,first go totrbinance.com,hover over the“Wallet”option at the top left of thehomepage,and click on the“Deposit”option from thedrop-downmenu.

Deposit Menu

Then a page like the one below willopen,and you can continue the deposit process by selecting your preferred bank from thispage.If your preferred bank is not yet integrated with BinanceTR,you should continue by clicking the“OtherBanks”option.

Select Bank

In thisexample,we will continue usingVakıfbank,but the process is the same for all otherbanks.When you click on theVakıfbankoption,you will see an account name and IBAN address where you can transfer money viatransfer,EFT,orFAST.All you need to do is transfer the amount you want to deposit into your Binance TR account using the information displayed on the page of your preferredbank.

Transfer Details

After your bank completes the transferprocess,the funds you sent will be automatically reflected in your Binance TR accountwallet.


After the depositprocess,you can proceed to theTLto WLD coinpurchasestep by clicking the“Buy-Sell”option in the top left menu of the Binance TRwebsite.

Buy-Sell Option

After clicking thisoption,the page below willopen.Type“WLD”in the search box on the right side of this page and click on theWLD/TRYoption from the results to go to theTLto WLD purchasepage.

Search WLD

Now theWLDtradingpage below willopen.In thered-markedarea on thispage,you need to enter the price at which you want to buy WLD in the first box and the number of WLD you want to buy in the secondbox.After entering theamount,you can complete your purchase by clicking the“BuyWLD”button.

Trading Page


Binance,theworld’slargest cryptocurrency exchange by tradingvolume,officially launched its platform Binance TR for cryptocurrency investors in Turkey in2020.The cryptocurrencyexchange,headquartered inIstanbul,can be accessed attrbinance.com.

Binance TR leveragesBinance’stechnology,securitymeasures,and liquidity provided through the Binance Cloud infrastructure to offer bothfiat-to-cryptoandcrypto-to-cryptotradingservices.Users in Turkey can seamlessly deposit and withdraw Turkish lira(TRY)directly through bank channels and trade various cryptocurrencies with TRY trading pairs via BinanceTR.


  • Worldcoin’sinnovativeapproachtocreatingaglobalidentityandfinancialnetworkreflectsthegrowingintegrationofadvancedtechnologyinblockchainprojects.
  • Theextensivestepsforaccountcreation,verification,andtradingonBinanceTRensuresecurityandcompliance,providinguserswithareliableplatformforcryptocurrencytransactions.
  • UnderstandingtheprocessofbuyingWLDcoinsandthefeaturesofBinanceTRcanhelpusersnavigatetheplatformefficientlyandmakeinformedinvestmentdecisions.