

Ethereum (ETH) to Outperform Bitcoin (BTC) After ETF Launch, Foreseeing Strong Inflows Equaling 0.75-1% of Supply Post-ETF

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Ethereum (ETH) to Outperform Bitcoin (BTC) After ETF Launch, Foreseeing Strong Inflows Equaling 0.75-1% of Supply Post-ETFコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

K33Research predicts that Ethereum will outperform Bitcoin following the launch of ETHETFs,with significant inflows expected to driveETH’smarketperformance.


  • K33ResearchanticipatesETHspotETFswillaccrueupto1%oftheEthersupply.
  • ETHiscurrentlytradingatadiscountagainstBTCbutshowshighleverageinterestinfuturesmarkets.
  • ThelaunchofETHETFsisexpectedtochangetheinvestmentlandscapeforEthereum.
  • AnalystspredictsignificantinflowsofcapitalintoETHpost-ETFlaunch.
  • ETHfuturesopeninterestissurging,indicatinggrowingtraderinterest.

K33Research predicts that Ethereum will outperform Bitcoin in the weeks following the launch of spot EthereumETFs.The Norwegian analyticscompany,formerly known as ArcaneResearch,suggests that most investors do not realize the vast opportunity presented byEthereum.This is reflected in its continued suppressedprice,even as the green light for the launch of ETH ETFs edgescloser.

K33Research maintains a bullish outlook forETH,anticipating net inflows equivalent to0.75-1%ofETH’scirculating supply in the five months following the ETFlaunch.This influx of capital could significantly boostETH’sprice,driving it to outperformBitcoin.

ETH is currently trading at a discount against BTC but shows high leverage interest in futuresmarkets.The MACD and RSI indicators onETH’s4-hourchart suggest potential continued downward pressure in the shortterm.The MACD line crossed below the MACD Signalline,signaling a potential negativecycle,while the RSI indicates that ETH is in oversoldterritory.

Analysts believe that a similar effect toBitcoin’sETF launch could occur forEthereum,potentially pushing its price beyond$5,000.Bitcoin ETFs launched inmid-January,and two monthslater,BTC hit itsall-timehigh just below$74,000,dragging the entire market withit.Ethereum soared to$4,000at thetime.Analysts expect ETH might stumble immediately following the launch of the ETFs from the“sellthenews”phenomenon but should pick up pace and hit new heights by the end of theyear.


  • TheanticipatedlaunchofETHETFsisexpectedtodrivesignificantcapitalinflows,enhancingEthereum’smarketperformanceandpositioningitasastrongcompetitortoBitcoin.
  • TechnicalindicatorsprovidevaluableinsightsintopotentialpricemovementsandinvestorsentimentforETH.
  • ThesurgeinfuturesopeninterestreflectsgrowingtraderinterestinEthereum,indicatingoptimismaboutitsfuturepriceperformance.
  • UnderstandingtheimpactofETFsonEthereum’sinvestmentlandscapecanhelpinvestorsmakeinformeddecisionsandcapitalizeonpotentialpriceincreases.