

Several Websites Related to the Paris Olympics Hacked: Crypto Ransom Demanded!

Aug 9, 2024 #仮想通貨
Several Websites Related to the Paris Olympics Hacked: Crypto Ransom Demanded!

A cyberattack has targeted several websites related to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, demanding a cryptocurrency ransom. The hackers have threatened to release financial data from various museums if their demands are not met.


  • Cyberattack detected by the IT director on August 3-4, 2024.
  • Hackers have encrypted financial data of museums, including the Louvre.
  • BL2C investigation focuses on identifying the hackers and protecting sensitive data.
  • ANSSI assures the Olympic Games will proceed without interruption.
  • Emphasis on the need for robust cybersecurity systems.

On the night of August 3 to 4, 2024, the IT director overseeing the digital infrastructure for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games detected unusual activity. This activity was identified as a ransomware attack targeting several key websites, including those associated with the Grand Palais. The hackers have demanded a ransom in cryptocurrency, though the specific type (bitcoin, ether, etc.) has not been disclosed.

The attack has resulted in the encryption of the financial data of several prestigious museums, including the world-renowned Louvre. This has put sensitive financial information at risk, with the hackers threatening to release this data publicly if their demands are not met.

The BL2C (Brigade de Lutte contre la Cybercriminalité) is spearheading the investigation, focusing on identifying the perpetrators and safeguarding the compromised data. ANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information) has confirmed that the Olympic Games will continue as planned, emphasizing that cybersecurity remains a top priority, particularly with the increasing use of cryptocurrencies.

This incident underscores the critical importance of having robust cybersecurity measures in place. As cultural and tourist institutions increasingly rely on digital systems, they must enhance their defenses to prevent such attacks. The ongoing investigation and response efforts highlight the need for continuous vigilance and advanced security protocols to protect against cyber threats.


  • Cybersecurity Importance: This attack highlights the importance of strong cybersecurity measures, especially for high-profile events like the Olympics.
  • Cryptocurrency Risks: The use of cryptocurrency for ransom demands is becoming more common, necessitating better tracking and regulation.
  • Institutional Vulnerabilities: Museums and cultural institutions must prioritize digital security to protect sensitive information.
  • Preventive Measures: Implementation of advanced cybersecurity systems and regular audits can help prevent future attacks.