

Ethereum Price Prediction: As K33 Says ETH Will Outperform BTC After ETH ETF Launches, Top Analyst Says This New ICO Might Be The Next 100X

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Ethereum Price Prediction: As K33 Says ETH Will Outperform BTC After ETH ETF Launches, Top Analyst Says This New ICO Might Be The Next 100Xコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

K33Research predicts that Ethereum will outperform Bitcoin following the launch of ETHETFs,with a new ICO showing potential for massivereturns.


  • K33ResearchbelievesEthereumspotETFswilldrivesignificantinflows,pushingETHtooutperformBitcoin.
  • ETHistradingatadiscountagainstBTCbutshowshighleverageinterestinfuturesmarkets.
  • ThenewICO,ShibaShootout,ispredictedtobethenext100Xinvestment.
  • ShibaShootoutoffersaP2Egame,highutility,andstakingyields.
  • ETHETFsareexpectedtochangetheinvestmentlandscapeforEthereum.

Despite a recent drop in the ETHprice,analysts atK33Research believe that the altcoin king could still outperform Bitcoin(BTC)in the weeks after a spot Ethereum ETF(exchange-tradedfund)goeslive.The Ethereum price lost the key support at$3,362.72in the last couple ofhours,putting the altcoin at risk of plunging to subsequent supportlevels.

Technical indicators onETH’s4-hourchart suggest that thecrypto’sprice might continue falling in the next24hours.Both the Moving Average Convergence Divergence(MACD)and the Relative Strength Index(RSI)indicators are showing bearishsigns.The MACD line crossed below the MACD Signalline,signaling a potential negativecycle.The RSI has plummeted to30,indicating that the Ethereum price is in oversoldterritory.

K33Research maintains a bullish outlook forETH,anticipating net inflows equivalent to0.75-1%ofETH’scirculating supply in the five months following the ETFlaunch.This influx of capital could significantly boostETH’sprice,driving it to outperformBitcoin.

All analysts agree that ETH ETFs will changeEthereum’sinvestment landscape regardless of thetimeline.Predictions indicate that ETH could follow a similar trajectory toBitcoin’sETFlaunch,which saw the top coin hit anall-timehigh just below$74,000.Analysts believe that a similar effect will occur forEthereum,potentially pushing its price beyond$5,000.

Meanwhile,the newICO,Shiba Shootout(SHIBASHOOT),is gaining attention as a potential100Xinvestment.Shiba Shootout offers aP2Egame and has high levels of utility at this earlystage.Theproject’sgame is approved on Google Play and the Apple AppStore,expected to significantly impact token adoption andprice.Additionally,the Lucky Lasso Lottery and an incredible2,264%annual staking yield are drawing investorinterest.The presale has already raised over$480,000,with tokens selling for$0.0194.


  • ThelaunchofEthereumspotETFsisexpectedtodrivesignificantcapitalinflows,enhancingETH’smarketperformanceandpositioningitasastrongcompetitortoBitcoin.
  • TechnicalindicatorssuchastheMACDandRSIprovidevaluableinsightsintoETH’spotentialpricemovementsandinvestorsentiment.
  • ShibaShootout’sinnovativefeaturesandearly-stageutilitypositionitasahigh-potentialinvestment,reflectingthedynamicopportunitieswithinthecryptomarket.
  • UnderstandingtheimpactofETFsandnewICOscanhelpinvestorsidentifystrategicentrypointsandmaximizereturns.