

Web3 Users Reached an All-Time High of 10M in Q2: DappRadar

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Web3 Users Reached an All-Time High of 10M in Q2: DappRadarコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

A report from DappRadar highlights that the number of daily unique active wallets(dUAW)usingWeb3applications reached a record high of approximately10million inQ2,marking a40%increase from the previousquarter.


  • Web3usershitanall-timehighof10milliondailyuniqueactivewallets(dUAW)inQ2.
  • Socialsectorseesthelargestgrowth,drivenbyappslikeFantasy.topandUXLINK.
  • BlockchaingamingandNFTmarketplacesalsoshowsignificantuserincreases.


According to a July4report from blockchain analytics platformDappRadar,the number of users usingWeb3applications reached a record high in the secondquarter.The number of daily unique active wallets(dUAW)was approximately10million over the course of thequarter,a40%increase from the first quarter and the highest number everreached.

According to thereport,“[e]achsector of the DApp[decentralizedapplication]industry has experienced notablegrowth,contributing to an overall bullishtrajectory.”

Web3 apps’dailyuniqueactivewallets,April2023toJune2024.Source:DappRadar

The social sector saw the largest percentagegrowth,with a more than66%increase indUAW,driven by apps likeFantasy.topandUXLINK.The blockchain gaming sector also registered more users during thequarter,though its overall share declined slightly compared to othersectors.


Non-fungibletoken(NFT)marketplaces saw their highest usage sinceQ12023,reaching$4billion in tradingvolume.Over14.9million individual NFT trades occurred during thequarter.NFT marketplace Magic Eden saw its market share increase from17%to22%,while leaderBlur’sdominance was cut inhalf,falling to31%marketshare.

Decentralized exchanges Uniswap and Raydium sawdouble-digitor greater increases indUAW,as memecoin traders piled into theseapps.Uniswap’snumber of users increased by80%andRaydium’sby134%.

Top decentralizedfinanceappsinQ22024.Source:DappRadar

Despite the rising number ofusers,the total value of cryptocurrency locked into decentralized finance applications(TVL)fell by$7billion,a decline of4%over the previousquarter.Tron and Arbitrum were hit especiallyhard,losing17%and9%TVL,respectively.

Ethereumlayer-2sLinea and Base were the outliers for thequarter,asLinea’sTVL increased by420%andBase’sby44%.


The report stated that if the rise in dUAW is to besustained,“itis essential to focus on delivering a superior userexperience,robustroadmaps,and strong developmentteams.”


TheWeb3ecosystem experienced unprecedented growth inQ22024,with daily unique active wallets reaching a recordhigh.Despite challenges in the DeFispace,the overall trajectory remainsbullish,driven by significant increases in socialapplications,NFTmarketplaces,and blockchaingaming.Ensuring this growth continues will require a focus on userexperience,development,and innovation across theecosystem.