

Justin Sun Proposes to Buy Germany’s BTC

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Justin Sun Proposes to Buy Germany’s BTC

Tron founder Justin Sun has proposed to buyGermany’sBTC to stabilize themarket,reminiscent of his past actions duringcrises.This article exploresSun’sproposal,Germany’sBTCsales,and the broader implications for the cryptocurrencymarket.


  • JustinSunproposestobuyGermany’sBTCtostabilizethemarket.
  • Germanyholds50,000BTC,seizedduringacrackdownonapiratestreamingplatform.
  • Theproposalaimstopreventfurthermarketdeclines.
  • Largetransactionsbygovernmentscansignificantlyimpactthecryptomarket.

The time has come for Tron founderJustinSunto take thestage.Crypto isfalling,investors aresad,and a hero isneeded.Sun did what was expected of him and wrote that he wanted to negotiate with the German government to buy their BTC to prevent further declines incryptocurrencies.


Germany has been making headlines for its sales ofBTC,which were initially seized during a crackdown on the

pirate streaming platformMovie2k.As of February2024,the government held50,000BTC.InJune,a significant transaction of6,500BTC,valued at$425million,was sent to exchanges forsale.These assets were managed by theFederalCriminal Police Office(BKA),which confirmed the sale of the seizedBitcoins.


JustinSun,no stranger tocontroversy,has been involved in multiplehigh-profileevents but remains a steadfast figure in the cryptoworld.His proposal to buy BTC from Germany is reminiscent of his past actions during crises like the Terra collapse and the FTXbankruptcy.Despite skepticism from thecommunity,his consistent efforts to bring stability to the market cannot beignored.

Sun stated onTwitter:

“Iam ready to negotiate with the German government to buy all BTCoff-marketto minimize the impact on themarket.”

Justin Sun BTC Proposal
Justin SunBTCProposal|Source:CoinTurk


Germany’songoing sales ofBTC,coupled with actions from theU.S.and MTGOXrefunds,are contributing to the current state of the cryptomarket.How these large transactions play out remains crucial for future marketdynamics.Investors and observers alike should keep a close watch on these developments to navigate theever-changinglandscape of cryptocurrencyinvestments.


Thelarge-scalesale of BTC by governments can significantly impact market prices and investorsentiment.Sun’sproposal,ifaccepted,could help stabilize the market by preventing a sudden influx of BTC from affectingprices.However,thelong-termimplications of such actions on market stability and investor confidence remain to beseen.


JustinSun’sproposal to buyGermany’sBTC highlights the ongoing efforts to stabilize the cryptocurrency market amid significant governmentsales.As governments continue to liquidate their seized BTCholdings,the market must navigate these challenges to maintainstability.Investors should stay informed about these developments to makewell-informeddecisions.


  • MarketStabilizationEfforts:JustinSun’sproposaltobuyGermany’sBTCunderscorestheneedformarketinterventionstopreventsuddenpricedeclinesandstabilizethecryptocurrencymarket.
  • GovernmentBTCSales:ThesaleoflargeamountsofBTCbygovernmentscansignificantlyimpactmarketpricesandinvestorsentiment,highlightingtheneedforcarefulmanagementofsuchtransactions.
  • Long-termImplications:WhileSun’sproposalmayoffershort-termstabilization,thelong-termimpactonmarketdynamicsandinvestorconfidenceremainsuncertain.
  • InvestorStrategy:Stayinginformedaboutlarge-scaleBTCtransactionsandgovernmentactionsiscrucialforinvestorstonavigatethevolatilecryptocurrencymarketeffectively.