

The BRICS Control 72% of Rare Metal Reserves!

Jul 26, 2024 #仮想通貨
The BRICS Control 72% of Rare Metal Reserves!

The BRICS alliance has consolidated its control over 72% of the world’s rare metal reserves, significantly impacting global trade dynamics. This document explores the strategic advantages and economic implications of this dominance.


  • BRICS alliance controls 72% of the world’s rare metal reserves.
  • Dominance in rare metals provides strategic advantages in international trade.
  • Upcoming BRICS summit to discuss restructuring trade agreements for economic integration.
  • Potential shift to using local currencies for rare metal exchanges.
  • Impact on the global economy, particularly on sectors reliant on rare metal imports.

The BRICS alliance, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has solidified its control over 72% of the world’s rare metal reserves. This strategic consolidation is set to have profound implications for global trade and economic dynamics.

Strategic Advantages

Control over rare metal reserves provides the BRICS alliance with significant leverage in international trade. Rare metals are critical components in various high-tech industries, including electronics, aerospace, and renewable energy. By controlling a majority of these resources, the BRICS countries can influence global supply chains and pricing.

Upcoming BRICS Summit

The next BRICS summit will focus on the trade of rare metals and oil. Members are expected to discuss restructuring current trade agreements to enhance economic integration within the alliance. A report indicates that cooperation in the study, development, and rational use of mineral resources will be a key agenda item. Evgeny Petrov, head of the Russian Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra), emphasized the importance of this cooperation for ensuring supply continuity and price stability.

Economic and Political Strategies

The BRICS bloc is considering using local currencies for rare metal exchanges. This strategy aims to reduce dependence on the US dollar in international markets, potentially weakening its position. Such a shift could have significant consequences for global economies, particularly those heavily reliant on imports of rare metals.


The BRICS alliance’s control over 72% of the world’s rare metal reserves positions it as a major player in global trade. The upcoming BRICS summit and potential shift to local currencies for rare metal exchanges will further enhance the alliance’s strategic and economic influence.


  • The BRICS alliance controls a significant portion of the world’s rare metal reserves, providing strategic leverage in international trade.
  • The upcoming BRICS summit will focus on enhancing economic integration and restructuring trade agreements.
  • A potential shift to using local currencies for rare metal exchanges aims to reduce dependence on the US dollar, impacting global economies.
  • Control over rare metals is crucial for high-tech industries, and the BRICS alliance’s dominance will influence global supply chains and pricing.
  • Understanding the strategic and economic implications of the BRICS alliance’s control over rare metal reserves is essential for global market participants.