

North Carolina Lower Chamber Overturns Governor’s Veto of CBDC Ban

Aug 3, 2024 #仮想通貨
North Carolina Lower Chamber Overturns Governor’s Veto of CBDC Ban

North Carolina’s House of Representatives overturns the governor’s veto of a bill banning the state from testing or accepting a US central bank digital currency (CBDC).


  • Overview of the CBDC ban bill and its implications.
  • Reasons behind the governor’s veto.
  • Details of the House’s decision to overturn the veto.
  • Potential next steps and impacts if the Senate follows suit.
  • Conclusion on the broader implications for CBDC legislation in the US.

There is still hope for the bill passed by the North Carolina General Assembly banning the American state from testing or accepting a United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) after the state House of Representatives overturned the governor’s veto. If the state Senate follows suit, the bill will go into force.


Reasons Behind the Governor’s Veto

The governor’s veto was based on concerns that the legislation is premature, vague, and reactionary. He argued that it proposes an end result on important monetary decisions that have not yet been made.

Details of the House’s Decision to Overturn the Veto

The North Carolina House of Representatives voted to overturn the governor’s veto, reflecting growing state opposition to a US CBDC. The House’s decision underscores a broader debate on the role of central bank digital currencies and their impact on state sovereignty and financial regulation.

Potential Next Steps and Impacts if the Senate Follows Suit

If the state Senate also overturns the veto, the bill will go into force, effectively banning North Carolina from participating in any testing or acceptance of a US CBDC. This move could set a precedent for other states considering similar legislation, influencing the national conversation on CBDCs.


The North Carolina House of Representatives’ decision to overturn the governor’s veto highlights the contentious debate surrounding CBDCs. If the state Senate follows suit, the bill’s enactment could have significant implications for CBDC legislation across the United States, potentially shaping the future of digital currency regulation.


  • North Carolina’s House overturns the governor’s veto of a bill banning the state from testing or accepting a US CBDC.
  • The governor vetoed the bill, citing concerns about its prematurity and vagueness.
  • The House


  • The House of Representatives’ decision reflects growing opposition to a US CBDC among state legislators.
  • If the state Senate also overturns the veto, the bill will ban North Carolina from participating in any CBDC testing or acceptance.
  • This move could influence other states to consider similar legislation, impacting the national discussion on digital currency regulation.
  • The outcome may shape future policies and regulatory frameworks surrounding central bank digital currencies in the US.