

Bittensor Network Shuts Down After $8M Security Breach

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Bittensor Network Shuts Down After M Security Breach

Bittensor faces a major security breach resulting in a network shutdown and the theft of$8million in digitalassets.


  • Networkshutdownduetosignificantsecuritybreach.
  • Over$8millioninTAOtokensstolen.
  • Investigationandnetworkcontainmentmeasuresunderway.
  • Repeatedhigh-profilebreacheshighlightsecurityvulnerabilities.
  • Emphasisontheneedforrobustsecuritymeasuresinthecryptoindustry.

On July3,Bittensor encountered a significant securitybreach,prompting the network to halt activity after a series of wallet drains resulted in the theft of at least$8million worth of digitalassets.Co-founderAla Shaabana announced the network outage via a post onX,stating,“Byway of anupdate,we have contained the attack and put the chain into safe mode(blocksproducing but no transactions arepermitted).We’restillmid-investigationand are considering allpossibilities.”

This incident highlights the ongoing struggle within the crypto space to combat hacks andexploits,which remain significant barriers to massadoption.Over the past13years,the crypto industry has suffered nearly$19billion in theft across785reportedhacks.

The Bittensor theft was initially discovered by pseudonymouson-chaininvestigatorZachXBT,who revealed the breach in a July3Telegrammessage.Henoted,“Bittensorwas halted due to additional thefts earliertoday,potentially as a result of private keyleakage.”An unidentifiedaddress,‘5FbW,’was used in an exploit to acquire32,000Bittensor(TAO)tokens,valued at around$8million.

This latest attack is particularly concerning as it comes just a month after another wallet was drained of$11.2million worth of TAO tokens on June1,according toZachXBT.The recurrence of suchhigh-profilebreaches raises questions about the security protocols in place and highlights the vulnerabilities that still plague the cryptoindustry.

As the investigationcontinues,the Bittensor team is exploring all possible angles to understand the breach and prevent futureincidents.This episode serves as a stark reminder of the critical need for robust security measures in the crypto industry to protect digital assets and build trust among users andinvestors.


  • RecurrentSecurityBreaches:Therepeatedhigh-profilebreachesinBittensorunderlinetheurgentneedforenhancedsecurityprotocolswithinblockchainnetworks.
  • NetworkShutdownResponse:Thedecisiontoshutdownthenetworkandentersafemodewascrucialincontainingthebreachandpreventingfurtherdamage,showcasingeffectiveincidentmanagement.
  • CommunityRole:InvestigatorslikeZachXBTplayavitalroleinuncoveringbreachesandinformingthecommunity,emphasizingtheimportanceoftransparencyandvigilanceinthecryptospace.
  • FutureSecurityEnhancements:Movingforward,thecryptoindustrymustprioritizerobustsecuritymeasurestosafeguarddigitalassets,enhancetrust,andfacilitatewideradoption.