

Spotify Faces Backlash Over AI Music Amid Calls for Fair Pay to Human Artists

Aug 11, 2024 #仮想通貨
Spotify Faces Backlash Over AI Music Amid Calls for Fair Pay to Human Artistsコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Spotify is under scrutiny for its handling of AI-generated music, with critics arguing that the platform’s practices could harm human artists. This article examines the controversy and the broader implications for the music industry.


  • Spotify is facing criticism for recommending AI-generated music and labeling non-existent artists as “Verified.”
  • Experts are calling for stricter regulations on AI music, emphasizing the need for transparency and fair compensation for human artists.
  • The rise of AI in music production is sparking debates about the ethics of using AI models trained on other musicians’ work without consent.
  • The controversy highlights the challenges of balancing innovation with fairness in the evolving digital landscape.

Spotify, the world’s leading music streaming platform, is facing growing criticism over its handling of AI-generated music. The controversy centers around Spotify’s practice of recommending AI-created tracks to users and labeling non-existent artists with the “Verified Artist” badge. Critics argue that this approach not only misleads consumers but also raises significant ethical concerns about the use of AI in the music industry.

One of the key issues is the lack of transparency regarding how AI-generated music is produced and promoted. Many AI models used to create music are trained on vast datasets that include works by human artists, often without their knowledge or consent. This has led to accusations that Spotify is profiting from the unauthorized use of other musicians’ intellectual property, sparking calls for stricter regulations and better labeling practices.

“Spotify just straight up shouldn’t allow music on the platform that is using models where there’s serious concern that they are trained on other musicians’ work without permission,” said Ed Newton-Rex, a prominent AI ethicist and music expert. Newton-Rex, who leads a non-profit organization focused on fair data sourcing for AI companies, has been vocal in his criticism of Spotify’s practices. He argues that Spotify should clearly label AI-generated music, allowing listeners to make informed choices about whether they want to engage with these tracks.

The controversy has also drawn attention to broader issues within the music industry, particularly the impact of AI on human artists. As AI-generated music becomes more sophisticated and widespread, there are growing concerns that it could devalue the work of human musicians, who already face challenges in earning fair compensation for their creative efforts. Some industry experts have likened the rise of AI music to the practice of stream farming, where fake Spotify labels generate automated replays to inflate streaming numbers and revenue.

Despite these concerns, some in the industry view the rise of AI music as an inevitable development in the digital age. Enric Calabuig, a streaming expert, believes that while AI-generated music may pose challenges, it also offers new opportunities for innovation. “It’s just a case of some people trying to make a fast buck, like they’ve always done on Spotify,” Calabuig said. “I don’t see it as a threat as it stands now to anyone’s livelihoods.”

However, not everyone shares this optimistic view. Many artists and industry professionals argue that the use of AI in music production must be carefully regulated to ensure that it does not undermine the value of human creativity. They are calling for platforms like Spotify to adopt stricter guidelines and transparency measures, including clear labeling of AI-generated content and fair compensation models for artists whose work is used in AI training datasets.

The ongoing debate over AI music highlights the complex interplay between technology and creativity in the modern music industry. As platforms like Spotify continue to explore new ways to deliver content to users, they must also navigate the ethical and legal challenges that come with the rise of AI-generated music. The outcome of this debate could have far-reaching implications for the future of music production, distribution, and consumption.


  • Ethical Concerns: The use of AI in music production raises significant ethical questions, particularly regarding the sourcing of training data. If AI models are trained on copyrighted material without permission, it could lead to widespread infringement issues and undermine the value of human creativity.

  • Regulatory Challenges: As AI-generated music becomes more prevalent, there is an urgent need for regulatory frameworks that address these concerns. Clear labeling of AI-generated content and fair compensation for artists are key components of any future regulations.

  • Industry Impact: The controversy surrounding Spotify’s AI practices underscores the broader challenges facing the music industry in the digital age. Balancing innovation with fairness will be critical to ensuring that both human artists and technological advancements can coexist in a sustainable and ethical manner.