

Solana (SOL) Could Drop to the $80-$100 Price Range: Warns Analyst

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Solana (SOL) Could Drop to the -0 Price Range: Warns Analystコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Cryptocurrency analyst Alan Santana predicts a potential sharp decline for Solana(SOL)due to a large ABC correctionpattern,while others remain bullish on itslong-termprospects.


  • AnalystAlanSantanaidentifiesabearishABCcorrectionpatterninSolana’spricechart.
  • Santanapredictsapotentialdroptothe$80-$100range.
  • Contrarily,altFINSpresentsabullishoutlook,suggestinganuptrendifsupportlevelshold.
  • MixedsignalsindicateacomplexmarketscenarioforSolanainvestors.

Cryptocurrency analyst Alan Santana has identified a large ABC correction pattern inSolana’spricechart,suggesting a potential move towards the$80-$100pricerange.This forecast represents a significant pullback from currentlevels,potentially qualifying as what Santana terms an”SSD-Wave”(Surprise-Super-Down-Wave)due to its magnitude of40-50%.


1.The top of wave B for the lastsub-ABCwave has beenreached.
2.A price target in the$80-$100range,reminiscent of January2024levels.
3.The move is characterized as having“bearishpotential”(BD-Pot).

This bearish outlook suggests that investors should be prepared for a possible sharp correction inSolana’sprice in the nearterm.

Solana Price Chart

Contrarily,technical analysis from altFINS presents a more optimistic view ofSolana’spriceaction.Their analysis suggests that while trends aremixed,thelong-termuptrend remains intact as long as the price stays above the200-daymovingaverage.


1.A potential buying opportunity near the$125-$135supportzone.
2.A projected20%upside to$160if supportholds.
3.A recommendedstop-losslevel at$115.

The analysis identifies the current price action as a“PullbackinUptrend,”presenting a potential‘buyingdip’opportunity fortraders.Momentum is currentlybullish,with the MACD Line having crossed above the MACD SignalLine.TheRSI-14levels indicate that Solana is neither overbought noroversold,suggesting room for movement in eitherdirection.

Solana Uptrend

The contrasting analyses present a complex picture for Solana investors andtraders.WhileSantana’sanalysis warns of a potential sharpdecline,altFINS’perspective suggests the possibility of continued upward movement within the broaderuptrend.


  • Santana’sanalysishighlightsabearishABCcorrectionpattern,indicatingapotentialsharpdeclineforSolana.
  • altFINS’bullishanalysissuggestsabuyingopportunityifSolanamaintainssupportlevelsandcontinuesitsuptrend.
  • Investorsshouldweighbothanalyses,consideringtheirrisktoleranceandmarketconditions.
  • Themixedsignalsemphasizetheneedforcarefulevaluationandstrategicdecision-makinginSolanainvestments.