

Justin Sun Wants to Save Bitcoin From German Government, Here’s How

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Justin Sun Wants to Save Bitcoin From German Government, Here’s How


  • JustinSunproposestonegotiatewiththeGermangovernmenttobuyitsBitcoinholdings.
  • TheaimistopreventthenegativemarketimpactoftheGermangovernment’sBitcoinsales.
  • TheGermangovernmenthasoffloadedover9,641BTCworthmorethan$550milliononexchanges.
  • Marketsentimentremainserraticduetotheselarge-scaledisposals.

JustinSun,Founder of the Tronnetwork,has made a proposition to negotiate with the German government over the continuous sale of its massive Bitcoinstash.According toSun,his primary motivation is to prevent the negative impact of thesell-offon the broadermarket.

I am willing to negotiate with the German government to purchase all BTCoff-marketin order to minimize the impact on themarket.


The German Federal Criminal Police Office started selling some of the Bitcoin proceeds it confiscated inMay.Thusfar,the government has offloaded over9,641BTC worth more than$550million on cryptocurrency exchanges in smalltranches.


While its Bitcoin holdings pale in comparison to the broader circulatingsupply,the market sentiment to thissell-offis rathererratic.Earliertoday,the German police transferred1,300BTC toKraken,Coinbase,andBitstamp,a transfer that triggered a massivesell-offin the price of thecoin.

At the time ofwriting,the Bitcoin price has lost itsedge.The coin is changing hands for$57,400.54,down by4.58%in the past24hours.This is the first time sincemid-Marchthat the price of Bitcoin will be trading as low as$57,000,a trend that does not speak well of networkhealth.


It remains unclear whether the German government will be open to discussing it with JustinSun.With more than40,000BTC left in itsportfolio,the government still has a sizable amount of Bitcoin to offload on themarket.

The market may grow a thick skin as concerns the occasionalsell-offfrom thegovernment.This is a survivalstrategy,especially because more dumping is coming into the marketsoon.


  • JustinSun’sproposaltopurchasetheGermangovernment’sBitcoinholdingsoff-marketisastrategicmoveaimedatstabilizingthemarketandpreventingsignificantpricedrops.
  • ThesystematicsellingofBitcoinbytheGermangovernmenthasalreadyimpactedmarketsentiment,causingvolatilityandpricedeclines.
  • Large-scaleBitcointransactionsbygovernmentalbodieshighlightthecomplexinterplaybetweenregulatoryactionsandmarketdynamics.
  • Investorsshouldcloselymonitorthesedevelopmentsandconsiderthepotentiallong-termeffectsonBitcoin’spriceandmarkethealth.