

Shiba Inu Lead Surprises SHIB Community With First-Ever Meet and Greet

Jul 8, 2024 #仮想通貨
Shiba Inu Lead Surprises SHIB Community With First-Ever Meet and Greetコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース


  • ShibaInuleadShytoshiKusamaannouncesfirst-evermeetandgreet.
  • EventtotakeplaceatIVSOfficialShibaInuboothinKyoto.
  • TheannouncementhasexcitedtheSHIBcommunity,elicitingawaveofpositivereactions.
  • ThemeetandgreetcouldmarkanewchapterforShibaInuanditscommunity.

Shiba Inu lead Shytoshi Kusama has taken the SHIB community by surprise by announcing thefirst-evermeet and greetevent.This significant announcement was made via atweet,inviting SHIB enthusiasts to join Kusama at the IVS Official Shiba Inu booth inKyoto.

See you tomorrow at around noon in the@IVS_OfficialShiba Inu booth for my first EVER meet andgreet!I’mexcited to meet you all in Kyoto#shibarmy.@Shibtoken@sheerazhasan@treatsforShib@kaaldhairya@LucieSHIB@shibarium_


Kusama’stweet quickly resonated with the SHIBcommunity,sparking a wave of reactions ranging from surprise to eageranticipation.Community members expressed their excitement andcuriosity,with many looking forward to meeting the face behind the”ShytoshiKusama”name.


The announcement has generated significant buzz within the SHIBcommunity.One member expressed their astonishment andcuriosity,“Isthis like see you inperson?BoothG24will be a busyone.“This sentiment was echoed across thecommunity,as many expressed their eagerness to meetKusama.

The excitement was not just limited to communitymembers.Lucie,a member of the Shiba Inuteam,responded toKusama’stweet with a GIF that perfectly captured the mood-one of sheer excitement andjoy.This suggests that this event would not just be a milestone for the community but also a celebration for the team behind ShibaInu.


Shytoshi Kusama had previously mentioned his plans for a trip to Japan in an earliertweet.The Shiba Inu lead hailed the visit as a”dreamcometrue,“with the goal of meeting with”thebrightestminds”in Japan to discuss ShibaInu’sfuture,the transition fromWeb2toWeb3,and other relatedtopics.

As the community gears up for this landmarkevent,the air is thick withanticipation.It will be a chance for SHIB enthusiasts to connect and for the curious tolearn.This meet and greet could very well be the start of a new chapter for ShibaInu,as it continues to carve its niche in the cryptoworld.


  • TheannouncementofShytoshiKusama’sfirst-evermeetandgreeteventsignifiesamajormilestonefortheShibaInucommunity,reflectingthegrowinginfluenceandengagementoftheSHIBecosystem.
  • Thiseventoffersauniqueopportunityforcommunitymemberstoconnectwiththeleadershipandgaindeeperinsightsintotheproject’sfutureplans,particularlythetransitionfromWeb2toWeb3.
  • TheenthusiasticresponsefromthecommunityhighlightsthestrongsenseofcamaraderieandexcitementwithintheSHIBecosystem,suggestingabrightfuturefortheproject.
  • Suchinitiativesfostergreatercommunityinvolvementandloyalty,whicharecrucialforthesustainedgrowthandsuccessofanycryptocurrencyproject.