

Gala Games and Animoca Brands Join Forces, Surges GALA Token

Jul 6, 2024 #仮想通貨
Gala Games and Animoca Brands Join Forces, Surges GALA Tokenコインチェーン 仮想通貨ニュース

Gala Games partners with Animoca Brands to enhance GALA token trading conditions and marketstability,resulting in a surge in trading volume and increased investorinterest.


  • GalaGamespartnerswithAnimocaBrandstoimproveGALAtokentrading.
  • AnimocaBrandstoprovideliquidityprovisioningandbecomeaGalaChainvalidator.
  • PartnershipaimstostabilizeGALAtokenmarketandboosttraderconfidence.
  • TradingvolumeofGALAhasincreasedby38%inthelast24hours.
  • GalaGamesfocusesondecentralizinggamingandenhancingplayerownership.

GalaGames,a prominent player in the decentralized gamingindustry,has recently partnered with AnimocaBrands,a leading game software company and venture capitalfirm,to enhance the trading conditions and market stability of the GALAtoken.Thispartnership,announced on July3,marks a significant step in improving the trading environment for one of the most popular tokens in the gamingindustry.

Gala’sTreasury will provide Animoca Brands with GALA tokens for liquidity provisioningservices.This collaboration aims to promote proper trading conditions and stabilize themarket,thereby boosting traderconfidence.Additionally,Animoca Brands plans to become a GalaChain validator in the nearfuture,further strengthening its commitment to thepartnership.Currently,Animoca Brands operates nine GalaFounder’sNodes,indicating its active involvement in GalaGames’ecosystem.

GALA Token


The partnership has already shown positive effects on the GALA tokenmarket.In the last24hours,the trading volume of GALA has surged by38%,reflecting increased interest and activity amongtraders.In the derivativesmarket,there has been a notable shift towards GALAfutures,with open interest in GALA futures rising to2.35billion after a recentdrop.This indicates a growing expectation among traders that the token will perform better in thefuture.


Gala Games is dedicated to decentralizing the gaming industry and transferring ownership ofin-gameitems toplayers.This vision aligns with the broader trend towards player empowerment and the use of blockchain technology to create a more transparent and equitable gamingecosystem.The partnership with Animoca Brands is expected to accelerate thismission,providing additional resources and expertise to enhance the Gala Gamesplatform.

Gala Games


The collaboration between Gala Games and Animoca Brands represents a significant milestone for the GALA token and the broader gamingindustry.By improving trading conditions and marketstability,this partnership is set to increase confidence among traders andinvestors,further driving the adoption of decentralizedgaming.As Gala Games continues to focus on decentralization and playerownership,the future looks bright for the GALA token and itsecosystem.


  • StrategicPartnership:ThepartnershipbetweenGalaGamesandAnimocaBrandsisastrategicmovetoenhancethetradingconditionsandmarketstabilityoftheGALAtoken,benefitingbothtradersandthebroadergamingcommunity.
  • IncreasedTradingVolume:ThesignificantincreaseinGALA’stradingvolumereflectsgrowinginterestandconfidenceamongtraders,highlightingthepositiveimpactofthepartnership.
  • DecentralizationFocus:GalaGames’commitmenttodecentralizingthegamingindustryandempoweringplayersalignswiththebroadertrendtowardsblockchain-basedgamingsolutions,positioningtheplatformforfuturegrowth.
  • FutureProspects:ThecollaborationwithAnimocaBrands,combinedwiththegrowinginterestinGALAfutures,indicatesstrongfutureprospectsfortheGALAtokenandtheGalaGamesecosystem.